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英[tʌn] 美[tʌn]

  1. a large cask especially one holding a volume equivalent to 2 butts or 252 gals

Areceptacle is an object which you use to put or keep things in.


1. 插座:若将此多孔插座强制配接上插座 (Receptacle),可能会损害到电流分接器或插座,因而增加电击的风险. 本规范建议 (1) 将插头的间距和中央安装螺钉的位置予以标准化,以及 (2) 为含有两组插头的多孔插座,新增标示及安装说明等要求.

2. receptacle什么意思

2. 花托:一朵完整的花可分为五个部分,即花柄(pedicel)、花托(receptacle)、花被(perianth)、雄蕊群(androecium)和雌蕊群(gynoecium)(图4-12). 花托是花柄或小梗的顶端部分,一般略呈膨大状,花的其他各部分按一定的方式排列在它上面.

3. 插座[孔];容器:recentralizing 恢复到中心位置;重定中心;再集中 |receptacle 插座[孔];容器 | reception of heat 吸热

4. You should put the water into a vessel. container:vessel 舰;容器;血管 | You should put the water into a vessel. container.集装箱,贷柜;receptacle,插座 | Fair words butter no parsnips. 空言于事无补.

Two of the schemes are TAP and TUN.


TUN and TAP are virtual network kernel drivers.

TUN 和 TAP 是虚拟的网络内核设备。

Somewhere in the fog of the ancient hells, there is a TUN like that.


' Unless I'm as stupid as you! ' replied TUN - weng hotly.

遯 翁 怫然道: “ 除非我像你这们笨!

When TUN - weng saw his son, he said, ' Oh , you're back.

遯翁看见儿子, 便道: “ 你来了,我正要叫你来,跟你说话.

TUN - weng suggested that these two rooms be given in exchange.

遯 翁提议,把这两间房作为交换条件.

' As long as Hung - chien thinks she's submissive,'said TUN - weng , ' it's all right.

遯 翁道: “ 只要鸿 渐 觉得她柔顺, 就好了.

Fang TUN - weng had ignored him.


Fang TUN - weng accepted the money for his son.


Because of Third Daughter - in - law's illness, Fang TUN - weng developed an interest in the study of family medicine.

方遯翁为了三 媳妇 的病, 对家庭医药大起研究的兴趣.

The naughtiness in TUN - weng's smile and tone was ponderous enough to have caved in the floor.

遯 翁笑容和语气里的顽皮,笨重得可以压坍楼板.

TUN - weng grew solemn and said, ' Then, you've been - you've been what they call ` jilted.

遯 翁肃然改容道: “ 那么, 你是 —— 是所谓‘失恋 ’ 了.

After dinner, as TUN - weng was leaving the table , he said, ' He's chosen a good way.

晚饭吃完, 遯翁出坐时, 又说: “ 他这个办法很好.

MRA adopted ' tof ti 3 D multi slab tra TUN'sequences and MIP postprocessing.

采用TOF- ti3D-multi-slab-tra-tun序列.

Zuerst dachte ich , das haette etwas mit Enten zu TUN.


They all loved my Chinese dumplings ( Jiao Zi and Yun TUN ).


One drep of poison infects the whole TUN of wine.


Ich mache halt die interessanten Sachen, die kein anderer NBA - Spieler TUN w 'u00fc rde.







