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英[əd'mɒnɪʃ] 美[əd'mɑːnɪʃ]

  • 【副词:】admonishingly
  • 【名词:】admonisher
  • 【过去式:】admonished
  • 【过去分词:】admonished
  • 【现在分词:】admonishing
  • 【第三人称单数:】admonishes

  1. 责备,轻责
  2. 忠告,劝告,规劝,力劝
  3. 提醒,警告
  4. 为某事告诫某人,告诫,训诫
  5. 敦促、提醒某人
  6. 要求,催办
  7. 激励
  1. admonish or counsel in terms of someone's behavior;

    "I warned him not to go too far"
    "I warn you against false assumptions"
    "She warned him to be quiet"

  2. warn strongly; put on guard

  3. take to task;

    "He admonished the child for his bad behavior"

If youadmonish someone, you tell them very seriously that they have done something wrong.

e.g. They admonished me for taking risks with my health...
e.g. She admonished him gently, 'You should rest, not talk so much.'

Sometimes he gave them a severe admonishment.

1. 警告,告诫:admire 钦佩,叹赏 |admonish 警告,告诫 | adopt 采纳,收养

2. 劝告:Advice is seldom welcome-----忠言多逆耳 |admonish:劝告 | I show do as youradmonish.----- 我应该按照你的劝告去做

3. 给猪八戒,遭到高小姐的:*addicted adj. 沉溺的,上瘾的 | 给猪八戒,遭到高小姐的admonish. | advance v. 提出;前进

4. 训诫:mosque 清真寺 |admonish 训诫 | congregation 集合

She was admonished for chewing gum in class.


A warning voice admonished him not to let this happen.


They admonished me for taking risks with my health...


She admonished him gently, 'You should rest, not talk so much.


Yet do not esteem him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

可是不要把他当仇敌看待, 但要把他当弟兄规劝.

Financial advisors admonish clients to bills each month to avoid interest and finance charges.


Thes. 3:15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

帖后三15只是不要以他为仇敌, 乃要劝戒他如弟兄.

There are two shapes of admonish and needle about the needle in ShuoWenJieZi.


Practically or ethically, we cannot simply admonish them to not clear forest.

不管是基于实际上或道德上的考量, 我们都不能单只责备这些人、叫他们不准砍伐森林.

In this strain Mrs. Trenor continued for nearly an hour to admonish her friend.


He should admonish, he should advice, and he should restrain one from evil.

智者应训诫他人, 给予他人劝告, 以及防止他人犯错.

admonish your friend in secret , commend him in public.


I will tactfully admonish him not to behave like this again.


admonish your friends privately, but praise them openly.

要私下告诫朋友, 但是要公开夸奖朋友.

admonish your friends in private, praise them in public . z 9.

在私底下要忠告你的朋友, 在公开场合又表扬你的朋友.

Bought thing is much, natural meeting has psychological price, admonish oneself, must defend oneself psychological price.

买的东西多了, 自然会有心理价位的, 告诫自己, 一定要守住自己的心理价位.

admonish your friend in private, praise them in public.

私下里劝告你的朋友, 公开场合表扬他们.

admonish your friend privately, but praise them openly.

要私下告诫朋友, 但要公开夸奖朋友.

admonish eagerr weighs privately, customs praise trapm Aprilly.

要私下告诫哥们, 但是要公开夸奖哥们.

admonish your friends privately, praise them openly.


Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

15但不要以他为仇人, 要劝他如弟兄.

admonish your friends in private, praise them in public.


Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but admonish him as a brother.

15只是不要以他为仇敌, 乃要劝戒他如弟兄.

Mr Mreen admonish me for drinking too much.


Before you blame , comfort. Before you criticize, praise . Before you admonish , commend. Before you command, respect.

责备的话中要带有抚慰, 批评的话中要带有赞扬, 训诫的话中要带有推崇, 命令的话中要带有尊重.

Other rims, my mother will admonish, ' late play the trumpet. '

遇上其它时候, 母亲会劝我说, “ 太晚了,不要再吹小号了. ”

The ethics committee may take a decision to admonish him or to censure him.


  • 这些动词均有“劝告、忠告、警告”之意。
  • advise普通用词,泛指劝告,不涉及对方是否听从劝告。
  • caution主要指针对有潜在危险而提出的警告,含小心从事的意味。
  • warn含义与caution相同,但语气较重,尤指重后果。
  • admonish一般指年长者或领导对已犯错误的或有过失的人提出的忠告或警告以避免类似错误。
  • counsel正式用词,语气比advise强一些,侧重指对重要问题提出的劝告、建议或咨询。
  • 上一个:accusation





