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英['ænəlɔːg] 美['ænəlɔːg]

  1. something having the property of being analogous to something else

  1. of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input;

    "analogue device"
    "linear amplifier"

1. 类似物:坎贝尔长期担任<>(Astounding, 即<>)和<>(analog)的编辑,影响深远. 他最初是一位太空史诗作家,后转向写作收入这部选集的、更为精致的心理学和哲学故事. <>(R.U.R., 1921).

2. 模拟的:申请了专利的神经网络(Nervous Net)连接起来后,就赋予了这个12个类的思维决不是数字化的,不是线性的装置,而是一种模拟的(analog)和逻辑(Manhattan Logic)和曼哈顿结构(Manhattan structures),那就哈顿宾馆内,

The analog computers were designed to solve differential equations.


The analog input circuitry contains the analog multiplexer, the instrumentation amplifier, and the sample-and-hold circuitry.


Since sine waves vary continuously, they are examples of analog waves.


Topographically, we may consider the coastal plain to be a terrestrial analog of the continental shelf.


The patient still had high postoperative glucagons levels which were suppressed by somatostatin analog treatment.


By filtering the pulses, we obtain an analog value proportional to the PWM input.

想办法对输出进行滤波, 就可以在输出端得到与数字输入对应的模拟信号.

Color forms and of course , we have an analog and digital proofing form.


I asked to compare with the analog section but they didn't have the cable for.


Performance evaluation and optimization engine are two important modules in the analog integrated circuit automation synthesis.


In addition, there are integrated circuits, which deal exclusively with analog circuitry.

另外, 还有专门用于处理模拟电路的集成电路.

One of them, the analog computer, is used essentially for problems involving measurements.

一种是模拟计算机, 它基本上是用来解决包含有测量值的问题.

In computer technology, the larger the number of bits, the more exact analog signals.

在计算机技术之中, 比特数越高表示模拟信号就越精确.

As many regions the world convert from analog to digital broadcasts, these tuners are gaining popularity.

由于世界许多地区,从模拟信号转换成数字广播, 这些调谐器的日益普及.

The analog computers were designed to solve differential equations.


This course covers the circuits of transmitter and receiver in analog communication system.


analog RGB has separate channels for Red, Green and Blue signals.

模拟RGB具有分离的红 、 绿、蓝信号通道.

The Digital Storage Oscilloscope ( DSO ) will replace analog Oscilloscope.

数字存储示波器 ( DSO ) 将取代模拟示波器.

Many analog CIRCUITs scale their input and OUTPUT ranges about a ground reference.


An analog PID algorithm circuit is demonstrated to control the pump laser's temperature.

以此同时,我们使用模拟PID算法 构成回路监控泵浦激光器的制冷电流恒定激光器的温度.

The traditional analog simulators are low precision type of equipment and difficulty to interface to ATE.


A method using PLC flow charts programming to design analog screen control system is introduced.


RV 1 setting analog output zero, RV 2 setting analog output scale.

RV1用于输出零点调整, RV2用于输出上限调整.

From analog to digital technology change has become a fait accompli.


Virtually every product design must bridge the digital abstraction and the real analog world.


Solid digital logic, digital IO, and analog IO knowledge are required.

掌握固体数据逻辑, 数字IO及模拟IO的 相关知识.

The implementations of DCCs are divided into two categories in literature : the digital and analog structures.

工作周期 校正电路在设计上可分为数位式与类比式两种架构.

DSA devices use transparent digital and analog hardware filtering to eliminate aliased input and output frequencies.


In analog computer, an arithmetic unit constructed by a servo system.

在模拟计算机中, 一种由伺服系统构成的运算部件.

The real world is always far more complex than any most complicated analog computation.







