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当前位置:首页 单词大全 appare...


英[ə'pærəl] 美[ə'pærəl]

  • 【过去式:】appareled/apparelled
  • 【过去分词:】appareled/apparelled
  • 【现在分词:】appareling/apparelling
  • 【第三人称单数:】apparels

  1. clothing in general;

    "she was refined in her choice of apparel"
    "he always bought his clothes at the same store"
    "fastidious about his dress"

  1. provide with clothes or put clothes on;

    "Parents must feed and dress their child"

apparel means clothes, especially formal clothes worn on an important occasion.

e.g. Women'sapparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall models.


1. 服饰:慧元国际贸易有限公司(上海代表处)- Wintex ShangHai主要从事纺织品的进出口业务,主要产品为家纺如毛毯(THROW)/窗帘(CURTAIN)/床上用品(BEDDING)及服饰 (apparel),客户主要为欧美的零售商及进口商,因业务扩展,现诚聘

2. 成衣:ANTISTATIC FINISH 防静电处理 |apparel 成衣 | APPEALING LOOK 吸引人的外表

3. 衣服:apparatus 消防车apparel 衣服 | apparent density 松密度

The store sells women's and children's apparel.


lords and ladies in fine apparel


Women's apparel is offered in petite, regular, and tall models.


City Weihong clothing woven Limited is a professional clothing, apparel goods, knitwear production of foreign - funded enterprises.

石狮市伟宏服装织造有限公司是一家专业从事服装 、 服饰品 、 针织品生产的外资企业.

This shop sells sports apparel.


Our company, sky shoes, has been handing export business of shoes and apparel for many years.

我们的公司, 天空的鞋子, 已被移交进出口经营活动的鞋和服装多年.

V 70 shops operates fur, is a set of design, production, sales of clothing apparel trade enterprises.

1V70商铺,经营裘皮, 是集设计 、 生产 、 销售为一体的外贸服装服饰企业.

The result showed that burying process may make breakdown voltage smaller and apparel.


This family are all wearing the mourning apparel. Someone must have died.


Durable repelleuts are used mainly in apparel, household fabrics and militery good.

永久性的防护剂主要用于衣服, 家用织物和军用品.

Northern's largest apparel retail, wholesale center for the zoo's shopping district.

北方最大的服装零售 、 批发集散地的动物园商圈.

The machines can use various of fibers for knitting curtains, table clothes and apparel fabrics.

使用不同原料纱线,编织窗帘 、 台布、服装等装饰织物.

Follow the tide of vogue and hold the new trends of the worldwide apparel all along.


This article talk about Chinese embroidery for apparel in use.


We are one of the world's leading apparel manufacturers producing fashion products and outwear garments.


He was apparel ( l ) ed in white.


Its chief designer are well known in the industry and has 20 - year experience in apparel design.


Her wedding apparel is made by a very famous fashion designer.


Underwear and Nightwear, apparel Stocks, Brass Brass Products and Brass Builders Hardware, Silicon Products.

采购产品内衣和睡衣, 服装存货, 黄铜,铜器和建筑铜五金, 硅产品.

apparel is the biggest industry in JinTan.


It threatens to curtail a modest recovery in consumer spending on items like apparel and electronics.


As a special for social activities , career apparel is very important in social significance and function.

职业服装作为一种特殊的社会用装, 其社会意义和功用都十分重要.

Behold , they which are gorgeously apparel and live delicately, are in kings'courts.

那穿华丽衣服 、 宴乐度日的人是在王宫里.

But sex is more than a marketing tool at American apparel, according to Mr Charney's critics.

但据批评恰尼的人说,在美国服饰, 性不仅仅是个营销工具.

The winter [ sports ] and hardware business is a different animal than the sneaker and apparel business.


Nteractive 3 D body scanner system and it 'ufffd 'ufffd s application in apparel industry were introduced in this paper.


With the global apparel will be gradually reduced as a stylish, platinum jewelry consumption spiraling.

随着全球服饰渐渐将简约奉为时尚, 铂金饰品的消费节节攀升.

  • The scarlet and green drawing-room, whose apparel made so vivid a setting for their unaccustomed costumes.

    出自:J. Galsworthy
  • Never..owned a ship so well apparelled.


上一个:Marginal fit





