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as the name suggests


青奥会,顾名思义(as the name suggests)就是专门为青少年所进行的运动会,那么它所赋予的圣火意义当然也有差异,圣火是希望,圣火是纯洁,圣火更是青春。

Drip, or 'micro' irrigation, as the name suggests, is stingier with the water, delivering it to the roots of plants drop by drop.


Laba garlic is a custom in north China, especially in North China. as the name suggests, garlic is made on the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.


as the name suggests, you'd be following the river for most of the way, and you get to see some of our beautiful native birds, but the track also goes through a densely forested area.


as the name suggests, Club race events focus on specific car brands.

就如同他的名子一样, 俱乐部的比赛专注在特殊品牌的车子.

as the name suggests, wear - resistant electrode, high wear resistance, hardness also high.

顾名思义, 耐磨 焊条, 耐磨性能高, 硬度也就高.

The transition fit as the name suggests, is an intermediate fit.

顾名思义, 过渡配合是一种中间状态的配合.

as the name suggests, the band has lots of energy.

从名字上来联想, 这个乐队有很多活力.

Ambient light: as the name suggests, this light is present everywhere.

环境光: 就如其名所暗示, 各处都存在光照.

as the name suggests, is love, is love, that is Thanksgiving.

顾名思义, 是爱, 是被人爱, 也就是感恩.

as the name suggests, the F - CELL Roadster is a 2 kW fuel - cell system.

顾名思义, 该燃料电池车是由2kW的燃料电池系统.

as the name suggests, is the barefoot doctor.

顾名思义, 就是光着脚的医生.

For example, tomatoes tomatoes do not like wet soil. But but watercress as the name suggests.

例如, 西红柿不喜欢湿润的土壤, 而水田芥却如其名一般,喜好湿润土壤.

as the name suggests is that neither of their children or the elderly leisure favorite candy.


Lapping: as the name suggests one section is lapped over a second section.

叠门/搭接: 顾名思义搭接就是将一片衣片缉缝到另一片衣片上去.

as the name suggests, player pianos almost played themselves , using something called piano rolls.

顾名思义, 自动钢琴可以自动弹奏, 通过所谓的钢琴打孔纸卷实现.

For example, tomatoes do not like wet soil but watercress does, as the name suggests.

例如西红柿就不喜湿土壤但是水田芥就反之, 这正如水田芥的名字所示的那样.

as the name suggests, liposuction relies on vacuum pressure to draw out the lipids.

顾名思义, 抽脂利用真空压力来抽出脂肪.

Triceratops, as the name suggests, were huge dinosaurs adorned with three horns on their heads.

正如它们的名字, 三角龙是一种头上长有三只角的大型恐龙.

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