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bring down

英[brɪŋdaʊn] 美[brɪŋdaʊn]

  • 打下,打倒,降低
  1. move something or somebody to a lower position;

    "take down the vase from the shelf"

  2. cause the downfall of; of rulers;

    "The Czar was overthrown"
    "subvert the ruling class"

  3. impose something unpleasant;

    "The principal visited his rage on the students"

  4. cause to come to the ground;

    "the pilot managed to land the airplane safely"

  5. cause to be enthusiastic;

    "Her playing brought down the house"

  6. cut down on; make a reduction in;

    "reduce your daily fat intake"
    "The employer wants to cut back health benefits"

When people or eventsbring down a government or ruler, they cause the government or ruler to lose power.

e.g. They were threatening tobringdown the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition...
e.g. His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought herdown.

If someone or somethingbrings down a person or aeroplane, they cause them to fall, usually by shooting them.

e.g. Military historians may never know what broughtdown the jet.

1. 打倒,挫伤;降低:bring about 带来,造成 |bringdown 打倒,挫伤;降低 |bring forth 产生,提出

2. bring down什么意思

2. 降低:bring back归还 |bringdown降低 |bring forth提出

3. 打倒:bringdown the persimmon 得奖 |bringdown 打倒 |bring fame to 带来名声

4. 使落下,打倒;降低,减少:bring about 导致,引起 |bringdown 使落下,打倒;降低,减少 |bring forth 产生,提出

Their demands had narrowed down to only two points.


We shall have to prune down our expenditure a bit.


They were threatening to bring down the government by withdrawing from the ruling coalition...


His challenge to Mrs Thatcher brought her down.


Military historians may never know what brought down the jet.


For thou wilt save the afflicted people; but wilt bring down high looks.

诗18:27困苦的百姓、必拯救. 傲的眼目、必使他降卑.

At the next vote, we must try to bring down the government.

下次选举时, 我们一定设法击败政府.

bring down the price of oil.


First bring down his temperature.


We will try to bring down inflation to five percent within three years.


Your servants will bring down the hairs of your servant, our father, with sorrow to Sheol.

那你的仆人们就要使你的仆人, 我们的父亲带着白发在忧苦中下入阴府了.

His jokes always bring down the house.


But you bring down one enemy and they find someone even worse to replace him.


And how many planes you gotta bring down to get back in his good graces?


Gary is a bad shot. You can't expect him to bring down many birds.

加里的枪法很差劲, 你不要指望他能打下许多鸟.

Will the disaffection of the young bring down the regime?

年轻人的不满会导致政府倒台 吗 ?

Failure vote of confidence could bring down the government.


The city council will bring down the new spending plans on Monday.


In American football, you have to try to bring down your opponent.

在美式橄榄球赛中, 你必须设法把对手弄倒在地.

On no account let them escape; in your anger, O God, bring down the nations.

他们岂能因 罪孽 逃脱吗?神阿,求你在怒中使众民堕落.

These dreadful people bring down the tone of the neighbourhood.


Drinking a cup of lukewarm water on an empty stomach will bring down blood viscosity.


Licorice Extract: Helps to bring down the risk of hurting your skin when cleansing your face.

[甘草萃取]: 植物萃取,可以运用于肌肤,添加于化妆水中可以舒缓肌肤,强化肌肤安抚效果.

He conspired and intrigued only to bring down ruin on himself.


The company is trying every means to bring down the wholesale price of its products.


John is a funny comedian. His jokes always bring down the house.

约翰是会很逗的喜剧演员, 他常常把一屋子的人要笑翻.

How many do you want? I can probably get the owner to bring down the price.

你要几只? 我大概可以找店主杀价!

Please bring down my baggage.


Instead it threatens to bring down the now combined Lloyds Banking Group ( LBG ).


Despite their promise that they would bring down the prices, prices have gone on rising.

尽管他们许下了降低物价的诺言, 物价还是继续上涨.

We have to try every possible means bring down the costs of the construction project.


Management changes are under way that will finally bring down the curtain on Lord Forte's extraordinary working life.


上一个:bring forth

下一个:bring back




