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当前位置:首页 单词大全 cajole


英[kə'dʒəʊl] 美[kə'dʒoʊl]

  • 【副词:】cajolingly
  • 【名词:】cajoler
  • 【过去式:】cajoled
  • 【过去分词:】cajoled
  • 【现在分词:】cajoling
  • 【第三人称单数:】cajoles

  1. influence or urge by gentle urging, caressing, or flattering;

    "He palavered her into going along"

If youcajole someoneinto doing something, you get them to do it after persuading them for some time.

e.g. It was he who had cajoled Garland into doing the film...
e.g. He cajoled Mr Dobson to stand for mayor.

1. 哄骗:cajeput 白千层 |cajole 哄骗 |cajolery 哄骗

2. 以甜言蜜语哄骗:cajeputoleucelyptol 桉油精 |cajole 以甜言蜜语哄骗 |cajolement 笼络

3. cajole的近义词

3. (用甜言蜜语)哄骗,劝诱:He had the face to beguile his best friend into buying his house at a high price. 他竟然... | 3.cajole(用甜言蜜语)哄骗,劝诱 | That big boy is always cajoling other children into doing things for him. ...

4. cajole什么意思

4. 諂:褐剌縭 (or褐賴縭, 褐剌褵, 褐賴褵) harali, cloth woven of fine hair. | 諂 To flatter, fawn,cajole, sycophancy. | 諂曲 Flattery and fawning.

It is difficult to cajole him into consent.


How can we cajole his father out of punishing him?


They tried to cajole their daughter out of marrying him.


' That's coffee candy to cajole children with,'said Hsin - mei , suddenly understanding.

辛楣 恍然大悟道: “ 这是哄小孩子的咖啡方糖——”

He would go to him - threaten, cajole, actually destroy him, if necessary.

他要去看他 —— 威胁 、 利诱 、 倘使需要的话, 就把他彻头彻尾地毁灭.

The enemy tried every means to cajole him into telling the information.


It is difficult to cajole him into consent.


cajole ( sth . ) out of [ from ] sb.

甜言蜜语骗 走 某人的 ( 某物 )

Such perceived deficiencies have hobbled his ability to cajole China with any real conviction.


Employers used to dictating terms to their Chinese workforce are learning to beg, plead and cajole.

过去常常对中国工人颐指气使的雇主,现在正学着恳请 、 乞求与哄骗.

I am not going to cajole you into the reception of my view.


While Capello is perceived as a harsh manager, he will have to console and cajole, too.

虽然卡佩罗被认为是一名苛刻的教练, 但他必须要学会安慰和哄骗球员.

  • The populace..are not to be cajoled out of a ghost story by any of these plausible explanations.

    出自:W. Irving
  • We tried to cajole him to write with s10 p. 1,000 for bait.

    出自:V. Woolf
  • She cajoled him into getting things for her and then would not even let him kiss her.

    出自:T. Dreiser






