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英['kaʊntəpɔɪz] 美['kaʊntəˌpɔɪz]

  • 【过去式:】counterpoised
  • 【过去分词:】counterpoised
  • 【现在分词:】counterpoising
  • 【第三人称单数:】counterpoises

  1. 使平衡
  2. 均衡
  3. 补偿
  4. 抵补
  5. 抵消
  6. 平均
  7. 平衡
  1. 平衡
  2. 砝码
  3. 平衡锤
  4. 抗衡力
  5. 秤锤
  6. 均衡
  7. 平衡力
  8. 衡重体
  9. 【无线电】平衡网络
  10. 地网
  11. 平衡器
  12. 平衡重物
  13. 均势
  14. 平衡体
  15. 对重
  16. 砝码
  1. a weight that balances another weight

  1. constitute a counterweight or counterbalance to

1. 使平衡,使均衡:compensate 抵补,补偿,赔偿,报酬 |counterpoise 使平衡,使均衡 | depend 依赖

2. 平衡:counterpoint of sound and picture 声画对位 |counterpoise 平衡 | counterpropaganda 反宣传

3. 平衡块:counter 计数器 |counterpoise 平衡块 | counterweight 平衡重量

4. 地网:计数管 counter tube | 地网counterpoise | 计数译码器 counting decoder

The two nations'nuclear forces are in perfect counterpoise , ie are equal.


Whether did this encroach the individual's privacy counterpoise, both produced conflict.

这是否侵犯了个人的隐私权, 两者产生了冲突.

counterpoise namely card price is lower than exercise price.


Harmonic Motion: experimental board, spring weight , loaded board, counterpoise, stopwatch.

简谐运动: 实验板, 弹簧秤, 载重板, 砝码, 码表.

Hook's Law: experimental board, spring weight , loaded board, counterpoise.

虎克定律: 实验板, 弹簧秤, 载重板, 砝码.

A weight that acts to balance another ; a counterpoise or counterweight.


Does application estate counterpoise initiative register what document should submit?


The effect of counterpoise ( CP ) correction mehtod to the BSSE has been taken into account.


counterpoise conversely card price rises, at the same time stock price falls, have earn!

反之权证价升, 同时股票价跌, 就有赚!

Be fallen to counterpoise slowly later, nevertheless discharge also calculates stability to be controlled in 5 K.

后来就慢慢地被降权, 不过流量也算稳定在5K左右.

Seminal control stand enjoys specific punishment to counterpoise inside its government limits of authority.


  • Deeming my birth and education a sufficient counterpoise to her wealth.

    出自:T. Collins
  • A weakness which may counterpoise this merit.

    出自:Henry Fielding

上一个:atone for





