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英[ˌdɪsə'luːʃn] 美[ˌdɪsə'luːʃn]

  • 【形容词:】dissolutive

  1. separation into component parts

  2. the process of going into solution;

    "the dissolving of salt in water"

  3. dissolute indulgence in sensual pleasure

  4. the termination of a meeting

  5. the termination or disintegration of a relationship (between persons or nations)

dissolution is the act of breaking up officially an organization or institution, or of formally ending a parliament.

e.g. He stayed on until thedissolution of the firm in 1948...
他一直呆到 1948 年公司解散。
e.g. Politicians say it could lead to adissolution of parliament.

dissolution is the act of officially ending a formal agreement, for example a marriage or a business arrangement.

e.g. ...the statutory requirement for grantingdissolution of a marriage.

dissolution is a process in which something becomes weaker and then disappears.

e.g. ...thedissolution of traditional family life.

1. 解散:2.向原来股东出售股票,使得旧股东能够买到比市价便宜公司的新股票. 普通股有选举董事会(BoardofDirectors)的权利、公司与其它公司合并(Consolidation)、解散(dissolution)、及修改公司章程时的投票权.

2. dissolution

2. 解离:近年来,这种氢分子之解离(dissolution)为原子状态的现象,被认为在2.5~4百万粑下会发生. 另外由固态物理论推断,氢因其能带沟(band gap)之消失而转变成导体的氢金属,应在1.7~2.5百万粑之压力下发生. 基本上这两种预测结果的差异在於,

3. 瓦解:南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国正在瓦解(dissolution)的过程中;共和国有责任在遵守国际法的原则,并且关注人权、国民权利以及少数民族权利的情况下,解决在这个过程当中产生的国家继承问题;那些共和国可以自行决定,

the dissolution of barriers of class and race


He stayed on until the dissolution of the firm in 1948...

他一直呆到 1948 年公司解散。

Politicians say it could lead to a dissolution of parliament.


...the statutory requirement for granting dissolution of a marriage.


...the dissolution of traditional family life.


Method: The solid dispersion method was used , dissolution was determined in vitro.

方法: 采用固体分散体制备头孢克肟口含片, 测定其体外溶出度进行评价.

Objective: An HPLC method was developed to determine the dissolution of bumetanide tablets.

目的: 建立高效液相色谱法测定布美他尼片的溶出度.

Objective To establish the method to determine dissolution of rifaximin capsules.


It will run for five years unless enough MPs vote for dissolution.


Formulation and dissolution of indomethacin calcium tablets were studied by different media.


OBJECTIVEA method for the determination of dissolution of fenofibrate chewable tablets in vitro was established.


As a relieving means the administration of justice dissolution can be an effective and thorough remedy.


Results Uniformity, content, standard amount, dissolution were up to the standard.

结果均匀度 、 含量 、 标示量 、 溶出度等各项检验项目均合格.

This feign death reflex is frozen afterwards by dissolution of memory.


The cathodic reduction is stronger and plays an important role for the dissolution of chalcopyrite.


The dissolution of the Communist International is an unexpected political event to the Chinese Communist Party.


OBJECTIVE To prepare etoposide solid dispersion to enhance the dissolution rate.


Objective Research on the determination results of Amoxicillin by different dissolution methods.


Finally, the article analyses the method of solving problems arising in company dissolution actions.

最后,基于上述分析, 文章对如何解决公司解散诉讼纠纷中的问题提出了相关的分析.

The formulation, technological characteristics, the superiority in drug dissolution and bioavailability of dispersible tablets are summarized.

分析了分散片的处方和工艺特点, 及其在药物溶出度和生物利用度方面的优越性.

Objective : To prepare compound lidocaine hydrochloride cataplasm and characterize its viscosity and dissolution features.

目的: 制备复方盐酸利多卡因巴布膏剂,并考察其黏性和体外释药特性.

OBJECTIVE To study the dissolution methodology of compound estradiol valerate tablets.


The draft resolution called for the dissolution of the United Nations Command in Korea.


The dissolution of composites by mixing in toluene is compared with that by suspension polymerization.


In addition, the dissolution of the General Staff Headquarters, the abolition of Universal compulsory military service.

此外, 解散总参谋部, 废除普遍义务兵役制.

Conclusion: Solid dispersion improved the stability and dissolution of compound hawthorn dropping pills.

结论: 复方山楂滴丸固体分散体提高了药物稳定性和溶解性.

The dissolution properties of Pb ( NO 3 ) 2, PbO , and Pb 3 ( CO 3 ) 2 ( OH ) 2, were expressed as : brown soil & gt ; black soil & gt; meadow soil ( P & lt; 0.01 ).

Pb ( NO3 ) 2 、 PbO 和Pb3 ( CO3 ) 2 ( OH ) 2溶解性表现为棕壤 & gt; 黑土 & gt; 草甸土 ( P & lt; 0.01 ).

  • His youthful aptnesses to dissolution.

    出自:Jeremy Taylor






