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英[ɪɡ'zɔːlt] 美[ɪɡ'zɔːlt]

  • 【名词:】exalter
  • 【过去式:】exalted
  • 【过去分词:】exalted
  • 【现在分词:】exalting
  • 【第三人称单数:】exalts

  1. 高举,抬高,举起,升起,使升高,捧
  2. 褒奖,颂扬,表扬,褒扬,歌颂,高度赞扬,吹捧
  3. 激发
  4. 发扬
  5. 加浓或加深(颜色)
  6. 使高兴,使喜悦,使得意,使喜悦,使激动,使兴奋
  7. 加强,提高…的地位(尊严、权力、荣誉、品德等)
  8. 发(财)
  9. 提升,提拔
  1. praise, glorify, or honor;

    "extol the virtues of one's children"
    "glorify one's spouse's cooking"

  2. fill with sublime emotion;

    "The children were thrilled at the prospect of going to the movies"
    "He was inebriated by his phenomenal success"

  3. heighten or intensify;

    "These paintings exalt the imagination"

  4. raise in rank, character, or status;

    "exalted the humble shoemaker to the rank of King's adviser"

Toexalt someone or something means to praise them very highly.

e.g. However difficult she might have been, this book exalts her as both mother and muse...
e.g. His work exalts all those virtues that we, as Americans, are taught to hold dear.

The poem, which appeared in 1890, is an exaltation of married love.

1. 赞扬:赞美:exult 非常高兴, 欢跃 |exalt 赞扬:赞美 |exaltation , 兴奋, 得意洋洋

2. 提升; 赞扬; 使得意:prestige: 声望; 威望; 威信 |exalt: 提升; 赞扬; 使得意 | testify: 证明; 声明

3. 晋升:exaggeratory 言过其实的 |exalt 晋升 |exaltation 提升

She thanked the President to exalt her.


Many people are too swamped that they exalt shopping online.


Jas. 4:10 Be humbled before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

雅四10你们要在主面前降卑, 主就必叫你们升高.

To give glory , honor, or high praise to; exalt.

改变的行为为了晋升或 壮丽.

To dance, clap hands, exalt , shout, skip, roll on, float on.

舞蹈, 鼓掌, 兴奋, 欢叫, 跳跃,飘飘当当, 滚滚向前.

Remember that you should exalt His work, Of which men have sung.

伯36:24你不可忘记称赞他所行的为大 、 就是人所歌颂的.

If you are not victorious, do not exalt yourself over the vanquished.

如果你不是个得胜者, 不要高举你自己于被征服者之上.

To dance, clap hands, exalt, shout, skip, roll on, on.

跳舞, 拍手, 跃升, 高叫, 跳跃, 翻滚, 飘浮.

Be humbled before the Lord, and He will exalt you.

10你们要在主面前降卑, 主就必叫你们升高.

These paintings exalt the imagination.


Prize her, and she will exalt you; She will honor you if you embrace her.

箴4:8高举 智慧 、 他就使你高升.怀抱智慧、他就使你尊荣.

Result Holistic nursing exalt the value and function for nursing care to auto - dental immediate transplantation.


It will be the lowliest of kingdoms and will again exalt itself above the other nations.


Esteem her, and she will exalt you; embrace her, and she will honor you.

8高举智慧, 他就使你 高升 .怀抱智慧, 他就使你尊荣.

For you are their glory and strength, and by your favor you exalt our horn.

17你是他们力量的荣耀.因为你喜悦我们 、 我们的角必被高举.

  • exalt your heads, ye oaks.

    出自:J. Barlow

上一个:spacious structure





