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fall out

英[fɔːlaʊt] 美[fɔːlaʊt]

  • 争吵,发生,解散,掉出,掉队,结果是
  1. have a breach in relations;

    "We fell out over a trivial question"

  2. come as a logical consequence; follow logically;

    "It follows that your assertion is false"
    "the theorem falls out nicely"

  3. come off;

    "His hair and teeth fell out"

  4. leave (a barracks) in order to take a place in a military formation, or leave a military formation;

    "the soldiers fell out"

  5. come to pass;

    "What is happening?"
    "The meeting took place off without an incidence"
    "Nothing occurred that seemed important"

1. 争吵:1977年,他们录制了第1首单曲<>(Fallout). 1978年,推出了单曲<>(Roxanne),这首歌首次展现了他们创新性的雷吉节奏的奇特摇滚. 主唱兼词曲作者的斯汀是police乐队的灵魂(因为他在演出时喜欢穿黄色横条衫,形象颇似蜜蜂,

2. 争吵;结果是:fall back on 求助于,转而依靠 |fallout 争吵,结果是 |fall through 落空,失败

3. fall out的反义词

3. 争吵;闹翻;结果:fallout of 放弃(习惯等) |fallout 争吵;闹翻;结果 |fall through 失败,成为泡影

4. 脱落;争吵,闹翻:fall in love爱上某人 |fallout脱落;争吵,闹翻 | far from远离,远非

They often fall out over trivial matters.


Jean and Paul have fallen out with each other again.


My tooth fell out.


The men fell out quickly after their march.


The band fell out when the parade ended.


She fell out from extreme fatigue.


Not a single man fell out in the long march.


Everything fell out as we had anticipated.


It fell out that I could not be present.


Nine people were working on the project, but two had to fall out because of illness.


Oh , no; girls , you know, are much too clever to fall out of their prams.

没有啊, 你知道, 女孩子太机灵,不会从儿童车里掉出来的.

Your baby teeth will fall out in two years time.


The stars fall out of the sky.


After a long drill, the commander told his men to fall out.

在操练了很长时间以后, 指挥官命令士兵们解散.

The process eventually involves the Bone anchoring the teeth, which loosen and may fall out.

最后侵犯到使牙齿固着的齿槽骨,使牙齿松动, 最后脱落.

Don let us fall out with one another, for I couldn bear it.

咱们可别闹别扭啦, 因为我受不了.

And while the language grows, words will fall out of use by being replaced.

而且,尽管语言正在发展, 单词还是会被取代而淘汰.

If you turn the envelope upside down, the key will fall out.

你如果把信封倒过来, 钥匙就会掉出.

Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn fall out.


After you are six, your milk teeth begin to fall out.

在你六岁之后, 乳齿开始掉下来.

They often fall out over trivial matters.


Take risks, you can fall out of bed if you sleep on the floor.

要勇于冒险,只睡在地上, 你是永远不会从床上掉下来的.

I give my purse a shake, and a coin fall out.

我摇了一下钱包, 掉出一枚硬币.

We ain going to fall out over a little thing like this, are we?

我们总不至于为了这点小事就闹翻了 呀 ?

Bad habits are easy to fall into but not so easy to fall out of.


And if a couple fall out of love, drugs are not unlikely to help eitIT.

假如一对夫妇不再相爱, 药品多半无能为力.

You mustn fall out with each other about such trifles.


Some of the men were obliged to fall out from fatigue.


Did you and your mother fall out?


Can you ever fall out of love with your kids?

你将来会不爱你的孩子 吗 ?

Most married people fall out over money.


As the language grows, new words are introduced and many words fall out of use.

随着语言的发展, 新词不断被采用,而有许多词则停止使用了.

As soon as the roll had been called, the leader told the men to fall out.

一点过名, 队长就让士兵们原地解散.

How did it fall out that two men to address the same meeting the same time?

那两人来到会场,同时向会议致词,怎么会发生这种情况 呢 ?

In his sleep he let the book fall out of his hand.


Mum and I used to fall out a lot.


Make sure you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.


上一个:fall through

下一个:fall in with




