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feel sad详情
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feel sad

  • 感到悲哀

When a close friend dies, we can't help but feel sad.

当一位亲密的朋友去世时, 我们不能不难过.

I am missing point of girl brimming with tears, feel sad pole.

我想着姑娘泪汪汪的大眼, 心酸极了.

Mongolia thick rain made me feel sad, lonely and inexplicable.

蒙浓的细雨让我感到忧伤, 莫名的孤单.

The exclusion of women from the temple made them feel sad.


Lily : Yeah, but I still feel sad. Goodbye, Samaranch.

是啊, 但是我还是很伤心, 再见了, 萨马兰奇.

When a close friend dies, you couldn't but feel sad.

当好友去世时, 你怎能不悲伤?

I will feel sad to say good - bye to you.

与您 道别 我感到很伤心.

It was odd, but it didn't feel sad at all.

这很奇怪, 但并不觉得悲伤.

I feel sad today, because I lost my favorite pet, Snowball.

今天我感到很难过, 因为我把我最喜爱的宠物雪球给弄丢了.

If we lose a beloved relative we'll feel sad.


Thus you are caught in a fix and feel sad.


Don't cry like that. It makes me feel sad, shouted the showman.

“别哭成那个样子, 听了教人伤心, ”团主叫道.

How could the living followers not feel sad and chilly?


But does nostalgia make us feel sad and alone?

但是怀旧让我们感到伤感和孤独 吗 ?

I feel sad yet alive with a purpose.







