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英['fraɪtnɪŋli] 美['fraɪtnɪŋli]

  • adv.令人恐惧地;引起突然惊恐地

  1. in an alarming manner;

    "the disturbing thing about the Minister's behavior is that far from being artificial, it too often rings frighteningly true"

The film was frighteningly realistic.


As the sparks died away, the sky seemed darker than ever , even frighteningly black.

火花散落, 空中越发显着黑, 黑得几乎可怕.

The word ' lost -- lost -- lost ' dinged frighteningly in her heart like a death bell sounding.

" 完了 ---- 完了 ---- 完了 " 这个字眼儿就像丧钟一样在她心中一阵阵回荡,使她感到害怕.

For many workers, Gittler's experience is frighteningly familiar.

对很多工人而言, 吉特勒 式的经历是再熟悉不过的了.

Some of these tools produce frighteningly bloated apps.


The tiger snarled frighteningly.


Its viability will depend on wise leadership 'u2013 a commodity, as usual, in frighteningly small supply.

全球化能否继续,将取决于明智的领导——但一如既往, 这种“商品”的供给量少得可怜.

A new car came into operation in 1987 - the old one was becoming frighteningly rusty and decrepit.


Treasurys are considered extremely safe, while corporate bonds range from pretty safe to frighteningly risky.

国债被认为是非常安全的, 而公司债券的范围从非常安全的可怕的危险.

I tried to stop the bleeding with some tissues. I stayed clam and frighteningly pleasure.

我试图用些纸巾止血, 并保持着冷静和令人惊悚的愉悦.

However, adult bullying, including bulling in the workplace, is a frighteningly common occurrence.

然而, 成年人的欺负行为, 包括职场欺负行为, 普遍程度骇人听闻.

It is sometimes possible to manipulate those processes, but they frighteningly easy to disrupt and destroy.

虽然,有时候康复的过程是可以控制的, 但它们又是如此的脆弱,稍不留神,所有的努力便前功尽弃.

上一个:frighten into





