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英['frɒstbaɪt] 美['frɔːstbaɪt]

  • 【过去式:】frostbit
  • 【过去分词:】frostbitten
  • 【现在分词:】frostbiting
  • 【第三人称单数:】frostbites

  1. 冻伤
  2. 冻疮
  3. 霜冻灾害
  4. 冬季小帆船比赛
  5. 动疮风
  1. 使生冻疮
  2. 使受霜害,被霜伤害
  3. 使冻伤
  1. destruction of tissue by freezing and characterized by tingling, blistering and possibly gangrene

The survivors suffered from frostbite.


Fixed the duration of frostbite on pets which are dismissed and then recalled.


frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposed to extreme cold for too long.


Frost Nova: Will now properly overwrite the effect of Shattered Barrier and of frostbite.

冰霜新星: 正确的覆盖碎裂屏障和霜寒刺骨的效果.

Sometimes, doctors have been ( to ) removed frostbite areas like fingers and toes.

有时, 医生不得不 切除 手指或脚趾的冻伤部位.

Her feet were red and swollen with frostbite, but she did not seem to notice.

她的脚因为冻疮而红肿, 但她似乎没有注意到.

The property of prevent frostbite of fruit trees was increased by spraying the coating.


The most common causes of this phenomenon are local trauma , frostbite, and boxing.

最常见于局部耳朵外伤 、 冻伤及因拳击造成耳朵伤害等情形.

If the frostbite is only superficial, new skin will form.

如果冻伤只是浅表的, 新的皮肤会长出来.

Ron Artest doesn get frostbite. He bites frost.

阿泰不会被霜冻伤, 他只会把霜冻伤.

Conclusion: MEBO is not only efficacious in treating burn wounds but also efficacious in treating frostbite.

结论: MEBO不但对烧伤创面同时对冻伤也有明显效果,具有临床应用价值.

Try not to get frostbite from the wind chill.


AS THE other candidates battled frostbite and each other in Iowa , two men were conspicuously absent.

当其他总统候选人在爱荷华顶着严寒互相竞争时, 有两个男人却超然物外.

Objective : To evaluate the effect of Marvelous frostbite Curing Liquid on chilblain.

目的: 考察冻疮神水治疗冻疮的效果.

Molnar is now in hospital being treated for hypothermia and frostbite.


Dermatology: Atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, body odor, eczema, frostbite, spots, freckles and so on.

皮肤科: 异位性皮肤炎 、 乾癣 、 狐臭 、 湿疹 、 冻伤 、 斑点 、 雀斑等.

Objective : To research a new therapeutic means to frostbite, and raise the therapeutic effect.

目的: 研究冻伤复温治疗的新方法,方便野战条件下的冻伤救治, 提高冻伤救治效果.

Then now my face would not frostbite scar.


All patients had similar degrees of frostbite.


She is suffering from frostbite on her ears.


But unless someone is prepared, outdoor fun can also mean frostbite and hypothermia.

但是如果不做好保暖准备的话, 户外游戏会使人们冻伤并且体温降低.

How does summer treat skin frostbite?


Conclusion: The rewarming and therapeutic bag is a new methed to frostbite.

结论: 冻伤复温治疗袋开辟了冻伤复温治疗的新途径.

She was fighting off the numbness of frostbite.


He also had a second degree burn on arm and some minor frostbite.


Lyons of liquid state fluorine , can send skin frostbite.

液态氟里昂, 可致皮肤冻伤.

Four steps to take to avoid frostbite and hypothermia.


When everybody else wakes up, they see her dead of frostbite.

当大家醒来, 他们看见她已经冻死了.

Sunscreen, lip balm, hats and mittens will protect sensitive skin from sunburn, windburn, and frostbite.

防晒油, 润唇膏, 帽子和手套可以很好的保护敏感皮肤,避免晒黑, 皮肤病或者冻伤.

frostbite is damage that happens when skin is exposure to extreme cold for too long.







