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当前位置:首页 单词大全 gargoy...


英['ɡɑːɡɔɪl] 美['ɡɑːrɡɔɪl]

  • n.滴水嘴;奇形怪状的人

  1. a spout that terminates in a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal

  2. an ornament consisting of a grotesquely carved figure of a person or animal

1. 滴水嘴:除了他们自身正常携带的对抗防空导弹的电子自卫系统外,有2架猛禽还额外吊装了1具用以发现并迷惑特定型号防空导弹的综合电子战吊舱--因为要躲过伊朗在南部的阿巴斯港(Bandar Abbas)海军基地新部署的俄罗斯S-400和SA-20滴水嘴(gargoyle)防空导弹靠普通的对

2. 石像鬼:14种新怪物(石像鬼(gargoyle)、狒狒和巨型三裂植物(triffid)等等). 图像引擎和物理系统同样得到改造,在资料片中你可以拾起梯子并在某些地方使用. 而且亦可以坐船在Antaloor附近航行. 多人游戏有大改变,仍不是百分百肯定是否可以免费设立多人游戏帐号.

3. (石象鬼):Frost Wyrm (冰龙) |gargoyle (石象鬼) | Ghoul (食尸鬼)

His face was the gargoyle of the devil, it was not human, it was not sane.


As an example, suppose you e carving a gargoyle up in the corner of this building.


We suppose that you e carving gargoyle up in the corner of this building .


His disfigured face was like some avenging nemesis of gargoyle design.


His face was the gargoyle of the devil, it was not human , it was not sane.


Week of gargoyle: Double growth for gargoyle and O idia gargoyles.

石像鬼周: 石像鬼产量加倍.

Summon gargoyle ( Tier 5 ) now has a 3 minute cooldown, down from 5.

召唤石像鬼 ( 第5层 ) 冷却从5分钟减少到3分钟.

During gargoyle waves, everybody needs to group back together to take down the bats.

在有鸟的波次, 每个人都要回到队伍中集中火力干掉这些鸟.

As an example, suppose you e carving a gargoyle up in the corner of this building.

举个例子, 假设你在雕刻建筑高处的某一角上的滴水嘴怪.

  • Police talked him down from the roof of Amiens Cathedral...He had been balancing..near a gargoyle.

    出自:Daily Telegraph
  • A tall brass candlestick with gruesome gargoyles carved on the base.

  • An old tormented master..screaming like a gargoyle.

    出自:C. Raine






