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英['dʒenɪtlz] 美['dʒenɪtlz]

  1. 生殖器
  2. 外阴部
  3. 外生殖器
  4. 内生殖器
  5. 外阴部
  1. external sex organ

Causes the genitals to be comfortable and effectively to prevent each kind of disease.


Have awoken with soreness in your genitals which can not be explained.


In England & quot ; fanny & quot ; is vulgar slang for female genitals.

在英格兰,“ fanny ”是对女性生殖器的粗鄙称谓.

Application of electric shock, including to the genitals was a common torture tactic.

运用电击方法, 包括对生殖器,这是常见的折磨顺序.

The Jews were a proud people and throughout history they had trouble with the unsympathetic genitals.


Use soap sparingly: If possible, limIt'soap use to your face, armpits, genitals, hands and feet.

少用肥皂: 如果有可能, 仅将肥皂用于脸部, 腋窝, 生殖器, 手和足.

He found telltale signs of AIDS on her tongue and around her genitals.


Oral sex Sexual stimulation of the male or female genitals using the mouth.


The male and female skin, the genitals antibacterial, the sterilization, stop itch, eliminate the unusual smell.

男女皮肤 、 阴部的抗菌 、 杀菌 、 止痒 、 除异味.

Mutual masturbation is when partners simultaneously stimulate each other's genitals with their hands.


She alleges that Copperman touched touched her genitals, then proceeded to put his fingers inside her.

她称科佩尔曼触摸了她的生殖器, 并将他的手指插入她的身体.

The head Sublime, the heart Pathos , the genitals Beauty, the hands and feet Proportion.

崇高为头, 痛苦为心, 生殖为美, 平衡为手足.

Sex reassignment surgery is expensive and may be done with or without modification of the genitals.


These children have deformed heads, faces, eyes and genitals and require constant care.

这些儿童的头部, 脸, 眼睛,以及生殖器出现畸形,需要特别照料.

Men often speak of their genitals as food.


The offending showed some of the apparently ejaculating fluid from their genitals on orgasm.


Electrical torture of my genitals.


Transmission is less efficient to the mouth vs the genitals.


When all your clothes are off move around nude, touching your body everywhere, even your genitals.

当脱去全部衣服之后,可以裸着身体走动一下, 抚摸身体的各个部分, 甚至你的生殖器官.

Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals.


The men's minds and genitals were in agreement.


This center is located in the region between the genitals and the anus.


Is it mother's love that feels in genitals? ot the sexual desire?

这感觉在阴部里是母爱? 还是性欲?

Q 13 . Can I transmit oral herpes to my own genitals, eyes, or elsewhere?

问题13:我会把我的口腔疱疹传染到自己的生殖器, 眼睛或其他部位 吗 ?

She kneed her attacker in the vitals ( ie in the genitals ) and ran away.

她用膝盖撞那个袭击者的要害部位 ( 生殖器 ),然后跑掉了.

The patient genitals have been washed with antiseptic soap, and sterile drapes have been applied.

先用消毒皂清洗病人的生殖器, 然后盖上消毒布帷.


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