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英['dʒentlə(r)] 美['dʒentlər]

  • adj.更温和的;更优雅的

形容词 gentle:
  1. soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe

  2. having or showing a kindly or tender nature

  3. quiet and soothing

  4. belonging to or characteristic of the nobility or aristocracy

  5. easily handled or managed

  6. having little impact

  7. marked by moderate steepness

His introduction to League football would have been gentler if he had started at a smaller club.


In a low but gentler voice he asked, ' What reasons? '

他还是低声的,但是温和了些: “ 什么事? ”

He thinks this more encouraging, gentler, and therefore the answer the traveler wants to hear.

他以为这样回答更足以振奋, 更体贴,是旅客爱听的话.

You might find that a sympathetic approach elicits kinder and gentler behavior.


Emilia. How goes it now? he looks gentler than he did.

爱米利娅 怎麽? 他现在的脸色温和得多啦.

A hinny has a gentler disposition than a mule.


I have become gentler now. I am always willing to correct myself.

我现在变的更温和, 我总是乐于改变自己.

Ouch, it hurts. Could you be a little gentler?

哎唷, 好痛. 可以稍微轻一点 吗 ?

Intelligence moves at a gentler pace.


But Hong Kong's dragon has another, gentler face.


The song which is gentler than the tears.


Although they look gentler than regular Beetles.


A kinder and gentler IRS?

国税局变慷慨了 吗 ?

Storytellers speak of a gentler time, when the Earth was governed by simpler laws.

说书人会告诉你当大地由那些清楚简单的自然法规统治的时候, 一切是多么优雅温和.

The pilot's tone was gentler now. ' Tell us what happened so we can help you. '

飞行员的语气立刻柔和了许多: “ 告诉我们发生什么事了,我们好来帮你. ”






