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英['ɡɪldɪd] 美['ɡɪldɪd]

  • adj.镀金的;富有的

  1. having the deep slightly brownish color of gold;

    "long aureate (or golden) hair"
    "a gold carpet"

  2. based on pretense; deceptively pleasing;

    "the gilded and perfumed but inwardly rotten nobility"
    "meretricious praise"
    "a meretricious argument"

  3. rich and superior in quality;

    "a princely sum"
    "gilded dining rooms"

  4. made from or covered with gold;

    "gold coins"
    "the gold dome of the Capitol"
    "the golden calf"
    "gilded icons"

the gilded youth (= rich, upper-class young people) of the Edwardian era


gilded age inequality and rising poverty abound.


Others inside the Coqen Hall are gilded dagobas with niches for the and Future Buddhas.


The rising sun gilded the tree tops with its golden beams.


Two gilded unicorns, supposed to protect the hall from evil spirits, guard the entrance.

两个金麒麟, 保护着大殿守护着门口,起着镇妖除邪的作用.

Home is a gilded cage son outside to Fly in, Fly out of there.

家是一个镀金的鸟笼子,外面的想飞进来, 里面的想飞出去.

Children growing up in gilded cages can not bear hardships.


Ah, it was not to be; harsh necessity brought me to this gilded cage.

噢, 不要这样; 我栖身金笼实在是迫不得已.

Along the walls flanking the gate the are ten gilded bronze vats.


Life's wilderness without a fiend, and all its gilded scenes but barren and tasteless.

没有朋友, 生命就像荒野一样,其中的一幕幕美丽的场景都是贫瘠无味.

He came nearer and heard a crunching of gilded oats, the gently champing teeth.

他走近了一些,听到牙齿咀嚼着金色燕麦的嘎吱嘎吱声, 轻轻地咀嚼着的牙齿.

Gilt in the square: The foredge of a book gilded before rounding.

平切口刷金: 书本的切口刷上金箔然后圆脊.

A gilded temple glittered in the distance.


The gilded bronze tile roof of Jokhang Temple and Potala Palace in distance.


Sunshine gilded the rooftops.


Indeed, soaring incomes in finance played a large role in creating America's second gilded Age.

的确, 金融业猛增的收入在缔造美国第二个黄金时代发挥了重要的作用.

Trachtenberg, Alan . The Incorporation of America: Culture and Society in the gilded Age . 1982.

《美国的公司: 一次大战后镀金年代的文化和社会》1982.

gilded industry can be divided into curtly as and Centre ( hplc ) paper bronzing products bronzing.


My selfish youth, my books gilded edge.

我那自私的青春, 我那烫着金边的书籍.

At worst , they were gilded affairs , and with what leniency are gilded errors viewed.

它们至多不过是些有钱人无伤大雅的错误, 而对这些镀了金的错误,人们一向是宽宏大量的.

Improvement of gilded registration means gilding scrap rate cuts.


A single portrait, signed by Leopold Robert , shone in its carved and gilded frame.

在一只镀金镂花的镜框里, 嵌着一幅署名“奥波·罗贝尔”的肖像画.

They are then gilded, often on the edges, in the interior, and on the base.

然后进行镏金处理, 通常是对掐丝线 、 物内部以及底部.

The golden light gilded the sea.


The holiest of their chapels are topped with gilded roofs.


The Lord Mayor follows at the rear in his gilded coach.







