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gold rush

英[ɡəʊldrʌʃ] 美[ɡoʊldrʌʃ]

  • 淘金热
  1. a sudden happening that brings good fortune (as a sudden opportunity to make money);

    "the demand for testing has created a boom for those unregulated laboratories where boxes of specimen jars are processed like an assembly line"

  2. a large migration of people to a newly discovered gold field


1. 淘金潮:淘金潮(GoldRush)是指当一个地区戏剧性地发现了数量上拥有商业价值的 时,大量移民工人涌入这

2. gold rush的翻译

2. 矿脉系列 - 金矿脉:505- Black Tie系列 - 国会议员 The Congressman | 510- 矿脉系列 - 金矿脉GoldRush | 511- 矿脉系列 - 铜矿脉 Penny Vein

This novel is set in the gold rush.


Sutter.This was the beginning of the California gold rush.


By this way, we can give a fair external evaluation for the gold rush.


The first Chinese to reach the United States came during the California gold rush of 1849.


A grain of gold is enough to make prospectors in the gold rush ecstasy.


It's a virtual gold rush to mine the mountain of potentially valuable data the genome contains.


And it brought far more wealth to the prospectors than any gold rush.


The small town became prosperous in the gold rush.


Is the gold rush over?


The boom rivaled the California gold rush of 1848 in its excitement and Wild West atmosphere.


In a word, the gold rush kindled the flame of the modern civilization in Alaska.

总之, 淘金热点燃了阿拉斯加现代文明的火种.

And there's almost a gold rush type phenomena that we're seeing here.


He made a fortune during the gold rush and established his own mine of gold.


So we've got all this excitement, the biggest gold rush of all times taking place.

因此我们已经得到所有的刺激, 整次发生的最大淘金潮.

Especially in the gold rush, as many towns in San Francisco, Denver, Virginia, etc.

特别是淘金热中涌现了许多城镇, 如旧金山 、 丹佛 、 弗吉尼亚等.

However, it was the gold rush that changed the destiny of Alaska.

不过, 淘金热给阿拉斯加的命运带来了转机.

This started a gold rush unlike any other in American history in the Golden State.


This novel is set in the gold rush.


In 1880, Gold was found in Juneau, and then the gold rush took place.


The gold rush proved a disaster for Sutter himself.


There has since been the bureaucratic equivalent of a gold rush.


When the gold rush began, California was a peculiarly lawless place.

在淘金热开始以前, 加利福尼亚是一个没有法律的地方.

They tried their luck in California's gold rush.


Skagway was a boomtown at the gold rush days.


Falling in love with a stray cat is similar to the game gold rush!


gold rush is the main form in American earlier mining period. It occupies an important status.

淘金热是采矿业初始阶段即浅层矿开采的主要形式, 它在美国历史上占有重要的地位.

Chaplin featured in ' The gold rush. '

卓别林主演了《淘金热 》 这部片子.

They tried their log luck in California's gold rush.


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