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当前位置:首页 单词大全 gosh


英[ɡɒʃ] 美[ɡɑːʃ]

  • int.唉;糟了

  1. 糟了!
  2. 啊! 唉!
  3. (表示惊讶)天哪,哎呀!

Some people say 'gosh' when they are surprised.


e.g. gosh, there's a lot of noise.

1. 天哪:天哪(gosh)!我说过你必须输进完整的句子. 我只说天哪. 我不懂俚语. 我的字库里有十多万字,但我所能找到最接近'gosh~的字是Gospel(福音). 那是指有关耶稣的故事. 你是一个基督徒吗?我也不知道. 照道理,

2. 天啊:I'll still love you.|我仍然会爱你的. |gosh!|天啊. | I, uh...|我,呃......

3. 唉:gory 血淋淋的 |gosh 唉! |goshawk 苍鹰

gosh, that guy is sounding off again!


gosh! My muscles is going to ache all over tomorrow.


gosh! I have only five minutes to answer the rest of the question.


gosh, is that the time?


gosh, there's a lot of noise.


DIANA: Oh, my gosh! There is something there. Tony, it's a mark. It's ink.

戴安娜: 哦, 我的天哪! 这儿是有点儿东西. 托尼, 那是个污迹, 是个墨点.

Oh my gosh! The clothes are thinner again.

天哪! 我的衣服又瘦了.

I have been to, oh, gosh, I can't even remember. Austria.

我曾去过, 噢, 天哪, 我几乎都想不起来了. 奥地利.

Oh my gosh! This room is a mess!

天! 这屋子真是乱死了!

Billie : gosh, that's really terrible. And the money is needed so badly.

毕利: 啊, 那真糟透了. 灾区非常需要金钱啊.

' Oh , gosh, nothing like you do.

“ 咳, 我跟你做的可不一样.

Courtney: Oh my gosh! I can't believe it?

寇特妮: 噢,我的天啊! 我真不敢相信?

gosh. Joined the other side, sir?

哇喔,投靠另一边啦, 长官?

gosh, the rain is so heavy!

天哪, 雨很大 呀 !

Barbara: gosh! What did you do?

芭巴拉: 天啊! 你干了些什么 呀 ?

gosh, you will be eighty years old before the farm is paid for.

天哪!等你付清农场的贷款, 你就要80岁了!

gosh, I feel dizzy!

哎呀, 我觉得头晕!

I Always look out the window, you know, I at that, and I thought, my gosh!

你知道, 我经常往窗外看.我看到了那些, 我想, 天哪!

gosh! My muscles is going to ache all over tomorrow.

哎呀! 明天我全身肌肉都会痛了.

gosh! A pair of excellent football boots.

哎呀! 是一双上好的足球靴.

Oh, gosh, we can't wait to see the Mall.

噢, 天哪我们 真 等不及参观国会大厦了!

Ariel: Music? Oh , the concert! Oh my gosh, my father's gonna kill me!

爱丽尔: 音乐! 哎呀!音乐会! 天啊, 爸爸会杀了我的.

Oh, gosh, there are so many great things about it, like the food is fantastic.

噢, 天哪! 中国有如此多叹为观止的事物, 比如这里的食物真是太具诱惑力了.

Ashley: Oh, my gosh. I can return it tomorrow.

阿什利: 噢, 我的天哪. 我可以明天退回.

By gosh ! I never heard that before.


Oh my gosh! No. I can't believe it!

我的天啊! 不,我不相信.

gosh, is that the time?


'My gosh,' she chirruped.


gosh, there's a lot of noise.


gosh, that was a heavy bag!


gosh, you're awful pretty.


  • My gosh, we're so up to here in church activities.

    出自:New Yorker






