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英['ɡriːvəns] 美['ɡriːvəns]

  1. 牢骚,抱怨,不满,不平,委屈
  2. 苦情,苦难,苦,苦况
  3. 冤苦悲叹
  4. 伤害
  5. 苦笑
  6. 苦恼,苦衷
  7. 申诉,鸣不平
  8. 不平的事
  9. 冤情
  10. 怨恨
  1. a resentment strong enough to justify retaliation;

    "holding a grudge"
    "settling a score"

  2. an allegation that something imposes an illegal obligation or denies some legal right or causes injustice

  3. a complaint about a (real or imaginary) wrong that causes resentment and is grounds for action

If you have agrievance about something that has happened or been done, you believe that it was unfair.

e.g. They had a legitimategrievance...
e.g. The maingrievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.

1. 抱怨:(五)申诉程序应与徵戒(disciplinary)及抱怨(grievance)程序有所四、评鉴人 (一)小学:由法国国家教育总督学处(IGEN)负责*澳洲教育协会(AEU)之参与

2. 申诉:更确切地说,法院的裁决须回应当事人的申诉(grievance)及对方当事人的抗辩;各方当事人必须拥有一个公平的接受听审的机会;每一方当事人必须有权在法庭陈词(have his day in court).

3. grievance的意思

3. 冤情:因为有冤情(grievance)而满怀悲痛(grief)向申诉人(brievant)申诉. C意为:NBAC被授权控制克隆技术的滥用. 国家生物道德顾问委员会(NBAC)的职责是向白宫提出有关克隆人技术的政策性建议. 全文翻译: 当一个苏格兰研究小组透露三个月前他们克隆了一只成年绵羊时,

4. 不满:Miller和Sarat认为纠纷的形成一般有一个发展过程,依次经历不满(grievance)、要求(claim)、纠纷(dispute)、民事诉讼(civil legal dispute)四个阶段. 并不是产生的每一个不满都会发展为诉讼,每一个阶段都只有一部分问题(或者按照习惯说法,

Does the company have a formal grievance procedure (= a way of telling sb your complaints at work) ?


He had been nursing a grievance against his boss for months.


Parents were invited to air their grievances (= express them) at the meeting.


The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.


They had a legitimate grievance...


However, disputes alleging discrimination will be processed through the Company grievance and Appeal policy and procedure.

然而, 如果争议牵涉到歧视问题,则将透过公司抱怨及申诉的政策和程序办理.

Brothers, put aside the petty grievance that have splintered us for so long.

兄弟们, 让咱们把过往那一些琐碎的积怨都抛在一旁.

Nursing a grievance makes you bitter.


She will use this as a peg to hang her grievance on.


He grumbled all the way home that this was enough grievance for a divorce.


White, in his new capacity , was anxious to exploit his grievance against Golconda.

怀特有了新的职权, 急于发泄他对戈尔康达的不满.

Susan Slyomovich , Ritual grievance: the Language of Woman?

诉冤的宗教仪式: 女人的语言?

The management committee is useful because it allows the worker representative to air their grievance.


There is no formal grievance machinery here.


The idea makes me feel a sense of grievance.


If your company has a grievance procedure for sexual harassment claims, you should use it.

如果你的公司有性骚扰举报的申诉程序, 你应当使用这一程序.

All this has created vibrancy and buzz, but also dislocation and often a sense of grievance.

这些虽然营造了活力氛围, 但也引发了混乱,人民怨声载道.

Today, Wu's grievance has been redressed.

今天, 吴晗的冤案早已得到平反昭雪.

I smiled, but I am certain my smile looked like a grievance.

我笑了, 可是我相信只是一声苦笑而已.

When it did, the victim broadcast his grievance to the world.

当它出现时, 受害者将他的冤情传遍了世界.

Love with no need to preempt grievance.


They were supported, perhaps, by the poorer class with a grievance.


Is there any solution to the grievance?

对于那些不平[抱怨]有什么解决方法 吗 ?

He will not easily forget his grievance.


Any individual who has a grievance against the government can apply to it for help.


Turning round and round in the small rooms, life seemed just one big grievance.

在小屋里转转着, 他感到整个的生命是一部委屈.

Why no matter I have how old grievance want to explain? Also particularly won't sad?

为什么我不管有多大的委屈都不想解释? 也不会特别伤心?

Amend your grievance story to remind you of the heroic choice to forgive.


Nobody could redress the grievance for him.


He called me an ungrateful wretch and nourished the grievance to the end of his days.


  • A letter to The Times, the usual resort of an Englishman with a grievance.

    出自:G. A. Birmingham
  • He listened personally to any grievances and when justified put them right.

    出自:V. Cronin






