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英['ɡaɪdbʊk] 美['ɡaɪdbʊk]

  • n.旅行指南;参考手册

  1. 旅行指南
  2. 手册
  3. 参考手册
  4. 入门
  5. 指导书
  6. 旅游便览
  1. something that offers basic information or instruction

Aguidebook is a book that gives tourists information about a town, area, or country.

Aguidebook is a book that gives you information or instructions to help you do or understand something.


e.g. In 1987 Congressional Quarterly published a series of guidebooks to American politics.

1. 旅游手册:当你可以在机票、住宿上省下一大笔开支的时候,就没有理由再花很多钱在购买旅游手册(guidebook)上. 登陆这个网站你可以下载很多国家地区的旅游手册,这些手册都是居住在当地的人所编辑和撰写,并且更新频繁.

2. 旅游指南:Clothes,bearing and appearance 服装仪表 |guidebook 旅游指南 | guild practice 导游实践 烧饼 Clay oven rolls

3. 指导手册:Great and Abominable Church 大而可憎的教會 |guidebook 指導手冊 | Heritage of Faith 信心的傳承

4. 指南:guidebit导向钻头 |guidebook指南 | guidebush导衬

This guidebook is a mine of information.


The author of the guidebook is an architect by profession.


In 1987 Congressional Quarterly published a series of guidebooks to American politics.


Operate guidebook: The mouse control, the left key clicks to absorb blood bat gunning.

操作指南: 鼠标控制, 左键点击吸血蝙蝠射击.

Where can I get a guidebook or map of Beijing?


I bet you picked the first restaurant you found in the guidebook.


Operate guidebook: Mouse the left key click.

操作指南: 鼠标左键点击.

Operate guidebook: The keyboard control, the blank space key blast - off hammer son , the CTRL shoots shell.

操作指南: 键盘控制, 空格键发射锤子, ctrl发射炮弹.

Operate guidebook: The mouse picks green olives, squeezing an olive oil, see who squeeze much!

操作指南: 鼠标采摘青橄榄, 榨出橄榄油, 看谁榨得多!

Operate guidebook: The mouse operate.

操作指南: 鼠标操作.

The guidebook says to turn left.


After checking in and going to the bank, Evan discusses the guidebook with Kathy.

登记住宿和去银行后, 艾凡和凯西讨论观光指南.

Can you tell me where I can get a sightseeing guidebook?

你能告诉我在那里可以买到观光手册 吗 ?

Operate guidebook: Mouse the left key control.

操作指南: 鼠标左键控制.

Tourist 1 : I was reading about her in my guidebook last night.

游客 一: 我是昨天在观光指南中读到有关她的事情.

Hotels are ranked in order of luxury in the guidebook.


Anna: One of them has read his guidebook very carefully.

安娜: 其中一个游客把旅游指南读得很仔细.

Operate guidebook: The direction key control, the F key shoot.

操作指南: 方向键控制, F键发射.

Can I have a sightseeing guidebook?

我能要一本观光指南 吗 ?

The guidebook to the museum is written in three languages English, German and Japanese.

这家博物馆的导游词是用英语 、 德语和日语3种语言写的.

Operate guidebook: The mouse clicks an operation, low buy high sell, you just have an opportunity.

操作指南: 鼠标点击操作, 低买高卖, 你才有机会喔.

This plan smacked too much of a guidebook.


It's a good guidebook; that's for sure.

这的确是一本很好的 观光 指南.

Success is a journey and MBA is a guidebook.


Operate guidebook: The mouse drags along to move a different cosmetics to little MM TU 2 SHANG 3.

操作指南: 鼠标拖动给小mm涂上不同的化妆品.

Operate guidebook: The mouse operation, hair style and clothes click to replace directly.

操作指南: 鼠标操作, 发型和衣服直接点击更换.

Operate guidebook: The direction key control, think the way eats to the beverage.

操作指南: 方向键控制, 想办法吃到饮料.

Peter and Xiao Yun are looking at a guidebook of Mi Yun.


Operate guidebook: The mouse control, the left key hair play.

操作指南: 鼠标控制, 左键发弹.

Right. This guidebook should help us find places more easily.

没错. 这本观光指南应该会帮助我们更容易找到我们想去的地方.

Operate guidebook: The direction key run about, the blank space key jump up.

操作指南: 方向键行走,空格键跳跃.






