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当前位置:首页 单词大全 hemp


英[hemp] 美[hemp]

  • n.大麻(植物);大麻制的麻醉药

  1. 大麻纤维
  2. 【植】大麻(Cannabis sativa)
  3. 纤维
  4. 麻类植物
  5. 麻醉药(由大麻的花和叶制成的麻醉品)
  6. 大麻烟卷
  7. 长纤维的植物
  8. 由大麻制成的麻醉药
  9. 绞索
  10. 【植】棕榈
  11. 发出臭味的雪茄烟
  12. 亨普(音译名)
  1. 麻类植物的
  2. 大麻科(Cannabinaceae)植物的
  1. a plant fiber

  2. any plant of the genus Cannabis; a coarse bushy annual with palmate leaves and clusters of small green flowers; yields tough fibers and narcotic drugs

  3. a rope that is used by a hangman to execute persons who have been condemned to death by hanging

It will be the traditional GE, hemp, silk cotton technology in the kneading process.

人们将传统的葛 、 麻 、 丝织工艺揉于棉纺工艺.

Be careful not to kink the hemp rope.


The Voltage Surge Induced by hemp on Overhead Power Lines.


hemp coupling tests of the cable near ground were conducted.


Upper passes to accept with fine rope made of hemp as much , sell side , copy again.

鞋帮也同样用较细的麻绳给纳过, 再把帮、底销到一块.

The electrostatic capacity of the wool, ramie ( linen , hemp ), and cotton fibers rubbed in air.

毛 、 麻 、 棉纤维在空气中磨擦产生的静电量.

With their teeth and their fangs ready To cut people down like hemp.


Is one of black hemp hemp scar?

黑麻麻的一片是疤痕 吗 ?

There are myriads of flags enough to conceal the sun, and swords are as numerous as a field of hemp.

旌旗蔽日, 刀剑如麻.

Economic crops have cotton, melons, sugar beets, vegetables, hemp, herbs and so on.

经济作物有棉花 、 瓜类 、 甜菜 、 蔬菜 、 麻类 、 药材等.

Philippine plant having leafstalks that yield Manila hemp used for rope and paper etc.


Twist a length of rope from strands of hemp.


Other material such as cotton, linen, straw, bamboo, esparto grass and hemp also produce suitable fiber.

其他材料如棉制品 、 亚麻布 、 禾草 、 竹子 、 西班牙草和大麻也用于适当的纤维生产.

The technology of hemp degumming and the selection of the aux.


Shengma fiber is a new regenerated cellulose fiber coming from hemp material.


How about the hemp museum?

大麻博物馆 怎么样 ?

Vamp is seamed rope made of hemp to sole.


Guilin several Sichuan hemp of Ling Chuan burn the powder store!


When their linseed is ripe for harvest the hemp is in bloom in our field.


The oil is extracted from the seed of hemp.


hemp is a source of durable fiber that provides an alternative to fabric, among other uses.

剑麻是耐用纤维的一个来源, 在其他用途上还提供一个除棉织物外的选择.

hemp can be used for cloth and ropes.


hemp is not marijuana and vice versa.


The hemp is the spinning and weaving raw material which has rich resources and good property.


Industrial hemp is made from the plant, Cannabis Sativa.

工业大麻由植物, 大麻被做漂白亚麻纤维.

Do natural fabrics refer to cotton, hemp, silk and wool?

自然布料指的是棉 、 麻 、 丝、和羊毛 吗 ?

In 2000, 27 % of hemp products seized worldwide came from Africa.

2000年, 全世界查获的大麻制品27%来自非洲.

And your hemp robe shines, in the contrast with the sky.

穿着亚麻长袍, 你与天际两相辉映.

Despite their light weight, flax and hemp show strong mechanical resistance to tearing and pulling.

尽管重量轻, 亚麻和大麻却显示出强劲的耐撕拉机械阻力.

  • hemp is strong, but it stretches a good deal when new and shrinks when wet.

    出自:C. Francis

上一个:Conium maculatum

下一个:hemlock oil




