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当前位置:首页 单词大全 hutch


英[hʌtʃ] 美[hʌtʃ]

  • n.(兔)笼;小屋

  1. a cage (usually made of wood and wire mesh) for small animals

  2. small crude shelter used as a dwelling

Ahutch is a wooden structure that rabbits or other small pet animals are kept in.


1. 箱:箱匣或贮藏箱(hutch)大概是最常见的家具. 人们白天把它当成座椅(seats)及板凳(benches),晚上则当做床(beds)及卧榻(couches)使用. 一般家用品都存放在贮藏箱中. 当时的人们常常搬家,他们也就把贮藏箱当做货箱(trunks)搬运.

2. hutch是什么意思

2. 贮藏箱:箱匣或贮藏箱(hutch)大概是最常见的家具. 人们白天把它当成座椅(seats)及板凳(benches),晚上则当做床(beds)及卧榻(couches)使用. 一般家用品都存放在贮藏箱中. 当时的人们常常搬家,他们也就把贮藏箱当做货箱(trunks)搬运.

3. 棚屋:文章摘要:作为BSRF改进项目的重要内容之一,为高压科学研究专用的4W2光束线和实验站屏蔽棚屋(hutch)已完成设计和建造,于2002年冬季投入使用. 高压站也由3WlA光束线移至4W2,对实验设备进行了重新组装和调整,并对用户提供了部分机时.


4. 碗架:Household furniture 家庭家具 |hutch碗架 | Institutional furniture 风俗家具,公用家具

The rabbit popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.


Their pet rabbit had gone to the great rabbit hutch in the sky.


They built a hutch behind the house.


The hutch should always be cleaned and disinfected when dealing with parasites.


The rabbit pop out as soon as we open the hutch.


If you have a rabbit, it is a good idea to clean hutch every day.


Relax, will you? She's convinced it was Gerry hutch that done it.

放松, 好 吗 ?她相信是格里?哈奇干的.

Stop a little while, the mother goes down to look to hutch, can't help big Jing.

停一会儿, 母亲到厨下去一看, 不禁大惊.

He crouches before rabbit hutch, shed sad tear for the first time.

他蹲在兔窝前, 第一次流下了伤心的眼泪.

Work on your Starsky and hutch routine on your own time.


I'm gonna say you're a dealer, name you, quote you on hutch.

我要说你是个毒贩, 指名道姓引述你说哈奇的话.

Regard administration of cereal song as total hutch, aiyesi enrolled Deximengni Gu Ge 2003.

作为谷歌首任行政总厨, 埃耶斯于2003年将德西蒙尼招入谷歌.

Is that your response, Mr hutch? Or should I call you the Monk?

这就是你的回答, 哈奇先生? 或者我应该称你为修道士 吗 ?

We all know who pulled that one, don't we, hutch?

我们都知道谁开的枪, 不是吗, 哈奇?

But they say valuations look cheap and'slowly but surely hutch is becoming a cash cow.

但他们表示,和记黄埔的估值看上去比较便宜,将会成为投资者的摇钱树,这是一个 “ 缓慢但必然的过程”.

OBJECTIVE To investigate the pharmacognosy properties of Tripterygium hypoglaucum hutch evidence of identification and application.


We all know who pulled that one, don't we, hutch? He threatened me.

我们都知道谁开的枪, 不是吗, 哈奇? 他威胁过我.

Not quite good do. What do hutch ark business now is very much.

不大好做啊. 现在做厨柜生意的很多.

After having a look, Qiuqiu's grandma led her off for the small hutch.

奶奶看了看, 拉着秋秋出了家门,往小茅屋走去.

She's convinced it was Gerry hutch that done it.


The rabbits popped out as soon as we opened the hutch.


Why did you have to bring that game into our lives, hutch?

你为什么非要把那游戏带入我们的生活, 霍奇?

Can manage hutch to defend, floor, the business as wooden door.

可经营厨卫, 地板, 木门等生意.

You're not the only one trying here, and hutch isn't the only one with dirty money.

你不是唯一一个来这里打探消息的人, 哈奇也不是唯一一个有黑钱的人.

Gilligan got you to feed me that shite about hutch.


Confining them to a wire hutch without interaction, exercise, or comfort is cruel.

把它关在兔箱里,不给予关心和照顾, 可锻炼, 或舒适的环境,是残忍的行为.

  • In her own loins She hutched the all-worshipped ore.







