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英[ˌɪnsɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt] 美[ˌɪnsɪɡ'nɪfɪkənt]

  • adj.无关紧要的;可忽略的;不重要的;无用的
  • 【副词:】insignificantly

  1. 无足轻重的
  2. 无意义的
  3. 小的
  4. 地位低微的
  5. 微不足道的
  6. 微小的
  7. 卑鄙的
  8. 猥琐的
  9. 无价值的
  10. 琐碎的
  11. 不重要的
  12. 不足取的
  13. 低微的
  14. 可鄙的
  15. 不大的
  16. 渺小的
  17. 一点儿
  18. 微量的
  1. not worthy of notice

  2. signifying nothing;

    "insignificant sounds"

  3. of little importance or influence or power; of minor status;

    "a minor, insignificant bureaucrat"
    "peanut politicians"

  4. devoid of importance, meaning, or force

Something that isinsignificant is unimportant, especially because it is very small.

e.g. In 1949 Bonn was a small,insignificant city.
1949 年时波恩还是个无足轻重的小城市。

1. insignificant的翻译

1. 不重要:(1)美国或第三国生产或组装的程序是否为该产品生产程序中的一小部分(minor)或不重要(insignificant)的部分. 对于这一判断标准,美国商务部通常考虑的因素有:a在美国或第三国的投资程度;b在美国或第三国的研究与开发程度;

2. 无意义的,轻微的:Inside-out testing 外泄检测 泄出检测 |insignificant 无意义的,轻微的 | insolation 曝晒,日照


3. 无关紧要的:Sustain 支撑,持续 support |insignificant 无关紧要的unimportant | Ultimately 最后,最终 eventually

4. insignificant

4. 无关紧要、可忽略的:insert 插入、嵌入 |insignificant 无关紧要、可忽略的 | inspection 检察、视察

The paement in Chinese garden design is made doubly interesting by the employment of insignificant, or een waste, material.


She was forced to invent insignificant jobs, to prove to herself she had not lapsed from the faith which necessity and her origins made the only possible one.


The record of the plow was insignificant.


We also propose a watermarking method that embeds the watermark into the insignificant coefficient.


an insignificant difference


The levels of chemicals in the river are not insignificant.


He made her feel insignificant and stupid.


['u4e0d'u53ef'u6570'u540d'u8bcd]Her own problems paled into insignificance beside this terrible news.


In 1949 Bonn was a small, insignificant city.

1949 年时波恩还是个无足轻重的小城市。

However insignificant it may be, we have, as a result of this, a cosmic destiny.

我们有敌对之物, 可以让我们完成.

The loss of an almost insignificant weight is sufficient to produce an appropriate displacement.


Write down any accomplishment, contribution achievement that comes to mind, even if It'seems insignificant.

写下你能想到的任何成绩, 贡献,成就, 即使它们看似无关紧要.

Everyone is invited cherish it, in the long span of years, we are so insignificant, weak.

每一个人都请珍惜吧, 在岁月的长河中, 我们是那样的渺小, 柔弱.

I understand feeling as small and as insignificant humanly possible.


Listened to the SV words to discover that oneself was not an insignificant role actually.


The relationship between food niche breadth or niche overlap and body size was also insignificant.


The record of the plow was insignificant.


The expense incurred in these games are insignificant, when compared war's expense and destruction.

在这些比赛招致的费用是无意义的, 当被比较的战争的费用和破坏.

Why my love is so humble, and so insignificant in your eyes?

翻译;为什么我的爱在你看来是那样的微不足道, 那样的不值得一提?

It is the cheapest and quickest way of achieving an insignificant reduction.


The rate has fallen by an insignificant amount.


To speak paradoxically, the existence of insignificant people has very important consequences in the world.

说来似乎近于怪论, 天地间那些无足轻重之人往往产生万分重大的影响.

However, stressing the expansion of demand doesn't mean that foreign economic and trade cooperation is insignificant.

但是, 强调扩大内需,并不是说对外经济贸易不重要.

In fact , the whole amount involved is probably insignificant in its effect on business activity.


If i feel insignificant, i will remember my goals.

自轻自贱时, 我想想自己的目标.

But they are still insignificant in the mighty edifice of support.


Make for the society contribute and pay, oneself are again insignificant, also be a great person.

为社会做出贡献和付出, 自己再渺小, 也是一个大写的人.

The ideas of an insignificant person have no influence.


It is a waste of time to listen to his insignificant talk.


He was a composer himself and, as the record goes, of no insignificant merit either.

他是一位作曲家本人, 并在记录云的优点, 要么不微不足道.

The effect of type of sizing applicator is insignificant.


Yells: Your resistance is insignificant.


And in the face of tremendous force, we feel insignificant by comparison.

面对着如此巨大的力量, 自我显得如此微不足道.

  • He would never be anything more than an insignificant doctrinaire with a gift for saying bitter things.

    出自:R. Lynd
  • A document which her male descendants assumed to be insignificant.

    出自:L. Gordon






