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insist on

英[ɪn'sɪstɒn] 美[ɪn'sɪstɑːn]

1. insist on

1. 坚持:例如:这就是说,如果你作为一个制定政策的人,坚持(insiston)推展(push forward with)你提议的大幅度(drastic)改革计划(reform plan),将很可能要面对失败或严重的后果,又或者会使自己和其他受改革影响的人都蒙受重大损失,

2. 坚持要:4月23日今天詹姆斯先生和太太(也就是过去的福勒斯小姐)和我们共用茶点,随后我们就直接(directly)去了坦克剧院. 我们先乘公交车到国王的十字站,然后换乘另一辆到天使站. 詹姆斯先生坚持要(insiston)支付公交费用,说我已经买了票,这就足够了.

3. 坚持,强调,坚决要求:goon (时间)过去;灯亮;开始运行;继续,接着;进行,发生 |insiston 坚持,强调,坚决要求 | keep from 阻止,抑制

4. 坚持,一定要:291 infuse ... into注入 | 292insiston坚持,一定要 | 293 instead of 代替

So, to insist on a small shelf space the number of creative artists, some rare.

这样看来, 能够坚持狭小的架上空间创作的艺术家多少有些难能可贵.

Since they insist on going, we'll simply push the boat with the current and let them go with us.

既然他们坚持要去, 干脆我们就顺水推舟,让他们一同去吧.

Television screens insist on the authenticity of everything you are about to see and hear.


Vertical value analysis insist on cooperation and truth between core enterprise and upper streamstream enterprise.


We will insist on verification.


We must insist on strict compliance with the regulations.


I have to insist on doing so. As a result, it brings endless trouble and obsession.

像这样恶性循环的结果, 最终徒然为自己带来了无穷尽的麻烦与困扰.

He was at pains to insist on the perspicuity of what he wrote ( Lionel Trilling )

他努力坚持作品的清楚明晰 ( 赖恩内尔特里林 )

If you insist on leaving now , please go ahead.

你一定要走, 那就请便吧.

If you insist on your original offer, it will reduce our profit considerably.

如果贵方对峙原来的报价的话, 我方的利润就会大幅度地下降.

No. I insist on buying that.


insist on people to have a great morning.


Turning to Peter, she snapped, ' I insist on a full report being made to Mr. Trent. '

她转向彼得, 气势汹汹地说, “ 一定得把经过详细报告特伦特先生. ”

I must insist on more regular hours.


To be on the safe side. we insist on by letter of credit.

为安全起见, 我们坚持信用证付款方式.

I insist on him marrying that PLA man.


The tourists insist on keeping to their plan.


But if the imperialists insist on unleashing another war, we should not be afraid of it.

但是,如果帝国主义一定要发动战争, 我们也不要害怕.

But I insist on do myself protagonist.


I insist on your being there.


If you insist on using notepad, ensure you only replace the numbers, not the spaces.

如果你要使用记事本, 请保证你只输入了数字而没有空格.

If they insist on keeping it in their own hands , they will only bungle it.

勉强干去, 只有贻误.

This is why I insist on this claim clause.


I must insist on your giving me a straightforward answer.


We insist on payment in cash on delivery without allowing and discount.


Alexander threatens to stand in your way if you insist on taking up the same profession as his.


We'll insist on discussing this issue.


We must insist on immediate delivery otherwise we be compelled to cancel the order.


Our buyers insist on high standards of workmanship and materials.


They insist on tastier chocolate than the anaemic British stuff.


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