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link up

  • 连接,联系,联合
  1. be or become joined or united or linked;

    "The two streets connect to become a highway"
    "Our paths joined"
    "The travelers linked up again at the airport"

  2. connect, fasten, or put together two or more pieces;

    "Can you connect the two loudspeakers?"
    "Tie the ropes together"
    "Link arms"

  3. make a logical or causal connection;

    "I cannot connect these two pieces of evidence in my mind"
    "colligate these facts"
    "I cannot relate these events at all"

They linked up with a series of local anti-nuclear and anti-apartheid groups...


The Russian and American armies linked up for the first time on the banks of the river Elbe.


The television screens of the next century will be linked up to an emerging world telecommunications grid.


There are rumours that he and Mr Mutambara may link up.


Try to link up globally, via the internet and locally, in your own community.

尽力在全球范围内通过国际互联网联结, 在本地的社区内联结.

Arrangements are being made to link up the two firms, so as to reduce the competition.

正在计划将这两家公司合并, 以减少竞争.

We link up with the company.


Can link up to the network of alarm center through an ID code.


Scientists can link up distant countries by radio or telephone.


Which buy supports, which appear in home page now with achievement link up with.

哪个置顶, 哪个出现在首页现在都与业绩挂钩.

Engineers can link up distant countries by radio or telephone.


Find a pen pal. link up with other English learners from around the world.


The two spacecraft will link up ( with each other ) in orbit.

两艘宇宙飞船将于轨道上 ( 互相 ) 连接.

Engineers can link up distant countrysides by radio or telephone.


The two highways link up here.


The information retrieval language is the bridge to link up document and user.


The two railway lines link up at the station.


Thepedagogical colleges and universities family background, excels with the person to link up the coordination.

师范院校出身, 擅长与人沟通协调.

And Japanese is good at assimilating new thing, direct with market demand link up with.

而日本人则善于吸收新东西, 直接与市场需求挂钩.

Finally it introduces some ways to link up with other traffic ways and fund raising methods.


We will link up with them at the gate of the zoo.


Except genuine and real friend, there is no prescription that can link up different minds.

除了一个真心的朋友外, 没有一样药剂是可以通心的.

They have planned to link up the two areas by telephone.


These pieces of information link up to suggest who the thief was.


Where do they link up?


The two satellites will link up with one another in space.


Where do the two railroads connect [ link up ]?

两条铁路在 何处 连接?

上一个:be close to

下一个:come in contact with




