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英['nepətɪzəm] 美['nepətɪzəm]

  • 【形容词:】nepotistic
  • 【名词:】nepotist

  1. 裙带关系
  2. 任人唯亲
  3. 偏袒亲戚
  4. 重用亲戚
  5. 族阀主义
  6. 优待亲戚
  7. 起用亲戚
  1. favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in power (as by giving them jobs)

nepotism is the unfair use of power in order to get jobs or other benefits for your family or friends.

e.g. Many will regard his appointment as the kind ofnepotism British banking ought to avoid.

1. nepotism

1. 裙带关系:比方英语里的(裙带关系)(nepotism)一词就演化自义大利语的(侄甥)(nipole)一词. 在那个时代教皇大多重用自己的侄甥(其实大多是自己的私生子)原来那些教皇们虽然没结婚但是都有情妇还生小孩=口=,还可以把女儿嫁给贵族联姻,

2. 偏袒:nepotic 任人唯亲的 |nepotism 偏袒 | nepotist 任人唯亲的人

3. 重用亲戚,裙带关系:nepotic重用亲戚的 |nepotism重用亲戚,裙带关系 | nepotist重用亲戚的人

4. 任人唯亲,裙带风 任人唯亲,裙带风:negligent homicide 过失杀人 过失杀人 |nepotism 任人唯亲,裙带风 任人唯亲,裙带风 | neutrality law 中立法 中立法

The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism.


He was guilty of nepotism and corruption.


Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism British banking ought to avoid.


With Frank's father the West Ham first team coach, sections of the support there cried nepotism.

随着弗兰克的父亲在西汉姆出任一队教练, 在那里所得到的支持部分继续着他的理想.

One is known technically as kin selection, and familiarly as nepotism.

一种形式在学术上称为亲族取向, 并且习惯上叫做裙带关系.

For example, corruption, collusion and nepotism should be condemned by all Asians.

譬如, 所有的亚洲人都应该谴责贪污 、 勾结和搞裙带关系.

Chinese statecraft always recognised the problem of corruption and nepotism.


The patriarch system , which revolves around nepotism, is a typical feature of traditional Chinese culture.

以血缘为纽带的宗法制度, 是中国传统文化的重要特征之一.

For example, ' Many say Peter got to where he is today because of nepotism. '

例如: [ 许多人都说彼得之所以能有今天,就是因为他任人唯亲].

He has an incurable and widespread nepotism.


The imputation that my success was due to nepotism meant that I was not taken seriously.


They ignore my hard work and think my success is due to nepotism.


The demonstrators say they are upset over rampant corruption, nepotism and rising prices.

示威者称,他们对猖獗的腐败现象, 裙带关系和不断上涨的物价感到非常沮丧.

A place where foreign businesses complain of nontransparent systems, payment demands, nepotism, and other questionable practices?

在这样一个因为不透明的系统 、 苛刻的付款要求 、 裙带关系和其它饱受质疑的行为,被外国公司抱怨的地方?

Corruption and nepotism are pervasive.


The congressman lashed the president for his nepotism.


The problems of poor corporate governance, lack of transparency, and nepotism are not confined to China.

公司治理机制问题重重 、 缺乏透明度和裙带关系等现象不只存在于中国.

Also, small outsourcing projects without open bidding, nepotism, serious violations of the rights of property owners.

还有, 小区外包项目不经过公开招标, 任人唯亲, 严重侵害业主权益.

In televised debates, he accused all his predecessors of corruption, nepotism, and incompetence.

他在电视辩论中, 指责所有前任的腐败 、 裙带关系以及无能.

That looked like just the sort of nepotism that the president abhors.


Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism British banking ought to avoid.


Cage changed his name to deflect accusations of nepotism.


  • Entitlement to advancement on grounds of merit alone, free from any tinge of political nepotism, must be jealously guarded.

    出自:A. Bevan






