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never mind

英['nevəmaɪnd] 美['nevərmaɪnd]

  • 没有关系,不要记在心上

1. 无所谓:他们灌录首张唱片<>( Bleach )时仅有可怜的 600 美元 录音费,第二张专辑 <>(NeverMind )给他们带来了巨大的商业上的成功. Cobain 其独有的缓慢低沉的如梦般的诗吟、快速的齐奏、焦躁不安的和声使无 数歌迷为之倾倒、疯狂.

2. 别介意:回到15年之前,老布什还是美国总统,网络还没有这么发达,MP3格式还不曾被发明,Oasis摇滚明星莱姆-高格(Liam Gallagher)还没闯出名头,科特-科本(Kurt Cobain)还活着,而之后涅槃乐队的<>(NeverMind)专辑也彻底震撼了流行乐界...当枪炮玫瑰于1985年在洛杉矶出道之时,

3. 别在意:在一系列的巡演和EP录制后,乐队与Geffen唱片签约并在同年9月发行了第二张专辑<>(Nevermind). 1992年发生了太多事情. 由于毒品问题,他与Grunge女子乐队主唱蔻特妮的女儿刚出生即被政府强行隔离.

4. never mind什么意思

4. 不介意:当1992年涅槃乐队(Nirvana)的<>(NeverMind)专辑将迈克尔.杰克逊(Michael Jackson)的<>(Dangerous)专辑从<>(Billboard)排行榜上挤下第一名时,很多乐评人把这看做象征性事件:Grunge音乐第一个超级明星的原力,

never mind, we can doss down in the car.


never mind, how about a good halberd then?


Fine. Fine, alright, now you'll never know.


never mind, next time I'm sure you can do better.

不要紧, 我相信你下一次一定能做得好些的.

never mind him, he is not serious.

不要介意, 他是说着玩的.

never mind what he said.


never mind who told me, that's of no importance.

不用管是谁告诉我的, 这无关紧要.

never mind, we can manage without.

不要紧, 没有也能对付.

never mind who told me. That's of no importance.

别介意谁告诉我的, 那不要紧.

never mind such trifles.


never mind the exact technical specification; just give us a free translation of what the machine can do.

别在意要有精确的技术说明, 只要把那机器的功用给我们意译一下就可以了.

never mind. Please don't go for it. I shan't want it.

没关系. 请不要去拿了, 我用不着.

never mind the interruption; proceed with your story.

不要理睬别人的插话, 继续讲你的故事.

never mind the tortuous explanation; tell me in plain English, are you coming or not?

别 拐弯抹角 地解释了,直率地告诉我, 你来不来?

never mind about me. Please pay attentions to ladies.

不要管我, 请好好款待女客.

' Granny, quickly! '' never mind, my boy, it won't take long. 'u201d

“ 快点,老奶奶! ” “不要紧, 小伙子, 用不了多长时间. ”

never mind the expense!


never mind what he says, let's see what he does.

不在乎他怎么说, 要看他怎么做.

never mind what the price is; if it is what we need, we'll buy it.

多少价钱不管, 如果是需要的东西, 我们就买.

never mind the side issues, let's get down to brass tacks and thrash out a basic agreement.

别管枝节问题, 让我们讨论问题的实质,以求得基本一致.

never mind about that.


' never mind the hole in the ceiling, ' he said drily.

“ 不用担心天花板上的洞. ” 他干巴巴地说.

But never mind that; it doesn't matter.

可别介意; 没有关系.

never mind what others said; we want your opinion.

不要管别人是怎么说的, 我们要的是你的意见.

never mind, I won't tell on you.


'Fewter didn't seem to think so.' 'u2014 'never mind what Fewter said.'


I think it's going to cause chaos personally but never mind.


Well, never mind, John, it's not a matter of life and death.


Many of the potholes are a danger even to motor vehicles, never mind cyclists.


'never mind, Ned,' he consoled me.


I'm not going to believe it myself, never mind convince anyone else.


'Well, never mind now,' he said gruffly.


'Was his name David?' 'u2014 'No I don't think it was, but never mind, go on.'



A:I’m afraid I’ve spilt ink all over the table-cloth.

B:Oh,nevermind about that.

A:I’m terribly sorry. Won’t you let me pay for it?

B:No, I won’t hear of it.


下一个:National Day




