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英['ɔːdɪnəns] 美['ɔːrdɪnəns]

  1. 法令
  2. 传统的风俗习惯
  3. 注定的事
  4. 条例
  5. 【宗】仪式,圣餐式 ,圣餐礼
  6. 布告
  7. 规定
  8. 章程
  9. 指示
  1. an authoritative rule

  2. a statute enacted by a city government

  3. the act of ordaining; the act of conferring (or receiving) holy orders;

    "the rabbi's family was present for his ordination"

Anordinance is an official rule or order.

e.g. ...ordinances that restrict building development.

1. 法令:你可以到调整面板里的法令(ordinance)修改窗口中勾去方格内所有的选项,现金将会增多,不过会造成不良的后果. 电线的架设直接关系到城市的发展,没有电源,城市将不会发展,相应的在缺电的地方,会有一个闪电的图标不停的闪烁.

2. 法令,条例:opening statement 开案陈述/陈词 |ordinance 法令,条例 | ostracism 排斥

...ordinances that restrict building development.


Judging the legality of the ordinance is within the province of the courts.


The Objectionable Publications ordinance ( Cap . 150 . 1975 Ed. ) is repealed.

《不良刊物条例》 ( 第150章, 1975年版 ) 现予以废除.

The relevant provisions in the Government Rent ordinance for development sites did not infringe BL 121.


This is an ordinance for ever to Israel.


Inclosed towards the north and south by ranges to the ordinance.


South Carolina passed an ' ordinance of secession ', and prepared for war.

南卡罗来纳州通过了 “ 脱离联邦法令 ”, 准备打仗.

Description of the information network transmission right protection ordinance, on digital rights made some initial requirements.

2006年7月开始实施的信息网络传播权保护条例, 就对数字版权作出了一些初步规定.

Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal ordinance.


From the studying of ordinance and specific experience in our job, we put forward some views.

作者结合具体的工作实际,对《条例》的内容进行了研究学习, 并力图提出一些个人的观点.

Under the ordinance, tobacco advertisements are prohibited in printed publications distributed in Hong Kong.

根据法例, 在香港刊印或分发的刊物不得刊登烟草广告.

The Registrar shall keep a register of ships registered or provisionally registered under this ordinance.


This ordinance may be cited as the Oil ( Conservation and Control ) ordinance.

本条例可引称为《石油 ( 保存及管制 ) 条例》.

Any non - compliance with the submissions may constitute a contravention of the Environmental Impact Assessment ordinance.


Then introduce your ordinance, and we'll see what can be done.

然后把你的章程提出来, 我们来看看有什么办法.

The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal ordinance, written on a small piece of official Prench War Office notepaper dated March 9 th, 1931.

法国外籍兵团是按照皇家的一项法令建立的, 这项法令记录在一小页法国陆军部公函信笺上, 日期是1931年3月9日.

Hong Kong should take a bold step forward and implement a consolidated pollution control ordinance.


The provision of personal data is obligatory under the Medical Clinics ordinance, Cap . 343.

根据《诊疗所条例(第343章)》, 个人资料的提供是强制的.

I have noted the general points pursuant to the Personal Data ( Privacy ) ordinance.


It a sabbath of rest, and you must deny yourselves ; it is a lasting ordinance.

这日你们要守为圣安息日.要刻苦己心. 这为永远的定例.

Guarding Services ordinance ( Cap 460 ), and to those conditions specified overleaf.

务条例》 ( 第460章 ) 的条文及背页所指明的条件所规限.

This ordinance may be cited as the Diocesan School and Orphanage Incorporation ordinance.


This exception, and its formulation as an ordinance , prove the old rule to be valid.

这一例外及其成为律令, 就证明古时的惯例仍然有效.

There is an ordinance against cutting down trees in the canyon.


This ordinance shall come into operation be appointed the Governor by notice in the Gazette.


Article 41 The enforcement area of this act and promulgated by the Executive Yuan in ordinance.


The Town Planning ordinance was first enacted in 1939.


Warning: Giving false information is an offence under section 86 of the Merchant Shipping ( Registration ) ordinance.

警告: 根据商船 ( 注册 ) 条例第86条,提供虚假资料,即属犯法.

  • If you would consider the true cause..Why all these things change from their ordinance.

    出自:Julius Caesar,Shakespeare






