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英['pɪrəmɪd] 美['pɪrəmɪd]

  • n.金字塔;棱锥体;[证券]金字塔式交易法
  • v.急速增加;以金字塔的模型构建
  • 【形容词:】pyramidal
  • 【副词:】pyramidally
  • 【过去式:】pyramided
  • 【过去分词:】pyramided
  • 【现在分词:】pyramiding
  • 【第三人称单数:】pyramids

  1. 金字塔
  2. 角锥形物
  3. 角锥形的一堆东西
  4. 宝塔诗
  5. 锥体,三角锥,棱锥体
  6. 【数】棱锥(体),角锥(体)
  7. 【结晶】锥
  8. 【解剖学,动物学】角锥形器官
  9. 【园艺】剪成角锥形的果树
  10. 【运】榫罗汉
  11. 开盘时使球摆成金字塔形的撞球
  12. 角锥形栏障
  13. 金字塔式的组织
  14. 金字塔式控股
  1. 使成尖塔形
  2. 使步步升高,使节节增高
  3. 步步升高,节节增高,步步升级
  4. 成金字塔形状,成尖塔形
  5. 【交易所】用累进式手法扩大交易
  6. 抬高价格
  7. 用累进方式经营,连续投机
  8. (使)渐增,(使)上涨
  9. 聚成一堆
  10. 以金字塔的模型构建
  1. 【证券】金字塔式控股的
  1. a polyhedron having a polygonal base and triangular sides with a common vertex

  2. (stock market) a series of transactions in which the speculator increases his holdings by using the rising market value of those holdings as margin for further purchases

  3. a massive monument with a square base and four triangular sides; begun by Cheops around 2700 BC as royal tombs in ancient Egypt

  1. enlarge one's holdings on an exchange on a continued rise by using paper profits as margin to buy additional amounts

  2. use or deal in (as of stock or commercial transaction) in a pyramid deal

  3. arrange or build up as if on the base of a pyramid

  4. increase rapidly and progressively step by step on a broad base

pyramids are ancient stone buildings with four triangular sloping sides. The most famous pyramids are those built in ancient Egypt to contain the bodies of their kings and queens.

e.g. We set off to see the pyramids and Sphinx.

Apyramid is a shape, object, or pile of things with a flat base and sloping triangular sides that meet at a point.

e.g. On a plate in front of him was piled apyramid of flat white biscuits.

You can describe something as apyramid when it is organized so that there are fewer people at each level as you go towards the top.

e.g. Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the socialpyramid.

1. <角锥体>:从20世纪70年代后期起,欧美研究者依据此能量场的产生原理和功效机制(都与波磁能、电磁场息息相关),借鉴从军事日渐转为民用的高精尖端领域的技术,选用高性能新型材料(功能材料和复合材料)来制成一次成型的角锥体(pyramid)外形的能量发生装置(power & energy generator),

2. 棱锥:[简介]锥体(cone):圆锥(circular cone)和棱锥(pyramid)这样的立体图形是锥体. 以直角三角形的一个直角边为轴旋转一周所得到的立体图形就是圆锥. 棱锥有三棱锥、四棱锥、五

3. 四棱锥:b)在视图左侧的创建命令面板(Create)中点击四棱锥(pyramid )按钮,我们暂时以缺省参数的状态建立四棱锥,大家看图示1. c)将鼠标移动到创建面板左侧的任一视窗中单击鼠标左键,然后按住并沿着对角线的方向拖动鼠标,此时一个矩形就出现在视窗里,

Egypt is famous for its grand pyramid.


Lagrange is the lofty pyramid of mathematical sciences.


A pyramid provides a useful conceptual model for organizing scientific knowledge.


a pyramid of cans in a shop window


a management pyramid


We set off to see the pyramids and Sphinx.


On a plate in front of him was piled a pyramid of flat white biscuits.


Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the social pyramid.


One idea proposed is that the sunken pyramid once attracted, accumulated and generated cosmic forces.

一个想法就是这沉没的金字塔曾吸引, 收集并放大宇宙的力量.

Can you come at once to pyramid Hotel? How quickly can you get here? Good.

你能立刻来金字塔旅馆 吗 ?你多快能来到这里? 好的.

Let us enter the Halls of the pyramid of Mythological Rendering.


Since they were excellent astronomers, some think that they also used their pyramid structures as observatories.

由于玛雅人是出色的天文学家, 有人认为他们还将这些金字塔建筑用作天文观象台.

He was the builder of the Great pyramid of Giza, erroneously attributed to Cheops.


Look! I made a pyramid with my name cards.


Automatic Packaging pyramid time the four planes, each 160 W, high efficiency.

全自动封装层压机一次出四块, 每块160W, 效率高.

The colors of the paintings inside the pyramid had kept their pristine freshness.


The pyramid makes most Egypt with the sphinx person absolute being to of historic monument.


There are some glaring exceptions to the Eltonian pyramid.


pyramid considered to be a team building game, also , it's really popular during most fun time!

“叠罗汉”被美国人当作一种团队合作精神的游戏, 是共度美好时光最佳选择.

Each pyramid has a wide stairway which goes from the bottom to the top.


Inside the pyramid were the's and queen's burial rooms and the long passages to these rooms.


The pyramid sensor ( PS ) has the advantage of higher sensibility than other classical wavefront sensors.


The Great pyramid was built thousands of years ago for a king called Khufu.


These conditions are indicated in this turn in the journey through the pyramid. 4.


Absent glorious nowhere Zun courteous reception only, Fangke pointed pyramid supremacy mating position.

唯有无处不在的尊荣礼遇, 方可匹配金字塔尖的无上地位.

This method is also known as the pyramid method.


Within this pyramid, one can create and access great wisdom by a mere thought.

在金字塔里, 一个人能够创造及靠纯粹思考接近伟大智慧.

The foundation bed of the pyramid has a large circumference of several miles.


Baoding Li county condition? Now's if, public security, the pyramid selling form, wait a minute.

保定蠡县的情况? 现在的如, 治安, 传销形式, 等等.

It takes about twenty minutes to walk all the way around the pyramid.


a pyramid of cans in a shop window


  • For the mummy of the king..the pyramid had been piled up.

    出自:E. H. Gombrich
  • A man in his forties was to me as old as the pyramids.

    出自:G. Greene
  • Canned goods are piled in mountains, the champagne and wine..are pyramided.

    出自:J. Steinbeck






