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英[rɪ'fræktəri] 美[rɪ'fræktəri]

  • adj.不听话的;执拗的;难治疗的;免疫的;耐火的
  • n.倔强的人;耐火材料
  • 【副词:】refractorily
  • 【名词:】refractoriness
  • 【名词复数:】refractories

  1. lining consisting of material with a high melting point; used to line the inside walls of a furnace

  1. not responding to treatment;

    "a stubborn infection"
    "a refractory case of acne"
    "stubborn rust stains"

  2. temporarily unresponsive or not fully responsive to nervous or sexual stimuli;

    "the refractory period of a muscle fiber"

  3. stubbornly resistant to authority or control;

    "a fractious animal that would not submit to the harness"
    "a refractory child"

refractory people are difficult to deal with or control, for example because they are unwilling to obey orders.

e.g. ...refractory priests who refused to side with the king.

1. 耐火材料:其主打产品酚醛树脂的应用涉及多个领域,包括刹车片和摩擦材料(friction),砂轮片和砂纸(abrasives),覆铜板(CCL),印刷线路板(PCB),PS版,耐火材料 (refractory),铸造(foundry),复合材料(FRP/composite),酚醛泡沫(foam),

2. 难治性:评价:病人在一线方案治疗三个月内复发称为难治性(refractory)病人,往往有效率要低于三个月才复发的敏感性(森sitive)复发者,如果病人在六个月后才复发,用原一线方案就能取得较好的效果.

3. 难治:M2b的诱导分化疗法尚处于实验阶段,临床疗效尚待肯定难治(refractory)和复发(relapsed)AML对再治疗的耐药程度和治疗反应是各不相同的,并取决于疾病本身的异质性、复发的性质、时机和次数,尤其是初次缓解(CR1)期的长短凡一线方案充分治疗无效,

4. 耐火的:refractoriness 耐火性 |refractory 耐火的 |refractory brick 耐火砖

...refractory priests who refused to side with the king.


Combined with productive practice, it discussed the life of refractory material and the countermeasures.

结合生产实践, 论述了影响耐火材料使用寿命的因素及采取的应对措施.

The refractory insulating bricks were produced , taking alumina, soft clay, cyanite al as raw materials.

以工业氧化铝 、 结合粘土 、 蓝晶石等为原料,应用聚苯乙烯球烧先注和可塑成形法研制成功了耐火隔热砖.

Purpose : The equipment is used for mensurating modulus of rupture of refractory products at high temperatures.


Conclusion Leflunomide is a safe and effective medicine in treating refractory nephropathy syndrome.


Hard alloy, refractory metal, super hard alloy ( diamond ) products, etc.

硬质合金 、 熔金属 、 硬合金 ( 刚石 ) 品等.

Fox, as the less proud and intractable of the refractory pair, was preferred ( Macaulay ).

福克斯是这两个脾气倔强人中较少傲气和较为容易控制的一个, 因此被看中了 ( 麦考利 ).

refractory mortar shall be frequently stirred when used to prevent precipitation or stratification.


Reflux leads to recurrent or refractory aspiration pneumonia.


The key to treatment of refractory ores is preoxidation and deleading absorption of carbon on gold.


refractory steel is also designed by this idea.


The characteristics of refractory gold ores and the principles of selecting pretreatment program are introduced.


Ulcerative Colitis is agnogenic and refractory large intestinal disease.


God, always within man refractory , He , the true conscience.

上帝永远存在于人的心里, 这是真正的良心.

Recommended terminal hole diameters for various refractory walls and sizes are shown in Table C.


Limonite ore is one of the complex refractory ores and has a low utilization rate.


Alternatively, acquired resistance results when tumors initially respond to therapy but become refractory to subsequent treatments.

或者, 当肿瘤最初响应于治疗但对随后的治疗变得难以治愈时,就会导致获得性耐药性.

Furnace lining structure of BF have incorporated refractory, masonry and furnace lining cooling and so on.

高炉炉衬结构包括本体内衬耐火材料 、 筑方式、衬冷却方式.

refractory steel often occurs pulverization and peeling phenomena.


Some new type refractory materials used for pouring spout at home and abroad are introduced.


refractory children disobey their parents.


Purpose: The equipment is used for mensurating the thermal expansion of refractory products.

用途: 该仪器用于测定耐火制品的热膨胀性能.

Objective : To discuss the treatment of refractory nasal bleeding nasal endoscopy.

目的: 探讨鼻内镜治疗顽固性鼻出血的疗效.

  • The slave-owner can whip his refractory slave.

    出自:H. B. Stowe






