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英[rɪ'zaɪd] 美[rɪ'zaɪd]

  • 【名词:】resider
  • 【过去式:】resided
  • 【过去分词:】resided
  • 【现在分词:】residing
  • 【第三人称单数:】resides

  1. 存在
  2. 留驻
  3. 存在于
  4. 属于
  5. 驻在
  6. 归于
  7. 具备
  8. 下榻
  9. 处在
  10. 在于
  11. 寄寓
  12. 埋下
  13. 渗进
  14. 居住
  15. 居住在
  16. 定居于
  17. 定居
  18. 归属于
  19. 居留
  1. vi. 居住,定居 have one's home (in a certain place); live
  2. vi. 存在; 归,属 be present in or belong to sb/sth
  1. make one's home in a particular place or community;

    "may parents reside in Florida"

  2. live (in a certain place);

    "She resides in Princeton"
    "he occupies two rooms on the top floor"

  3. be inherent or innate in;

If someoneresides somewhere, they live there or are staying there.

e.g. Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb...
e.g. All single full-time students mustreside in university residence halls.

If a qualityresides in something, the thing has that quality.

e.g. Happiness does notreside in strength or money...
e.g. The military is based on the principle that the ultimate authority resides in the armed forces.

1. 居住:正式居住地(domicile)一词是法定住所(legalresidence)的法律术语,来表示一个人在法律上应该居住(reside)的地方. 该地方可能与其实际住所(residence)不相同,在美国,正式居住地人口是指常住地的人口(usualresidence). 7. 在美国,

2. 住:正式居住地(domicile)一词是法定住所(legalresidence)的法律术语,来表示一个人在法律上应该居住(reside)的地方. 该地方可能与其实际住所(residence)不相同,在美国,正式居住地人口是指常住地的人口(usualresidence). 7. 在美国,

3. 驻留:Reset my usage data 重置惯用数据 |reside 驻留 | resolve 解析

4. 居住,驻扎;属于:reservoir 水库 |reside 居住,驻扎;属于 |residence 居住;驻扎;住处

He returned to Britain in 1939, having resided abroad for many years.


The source of the problem resides in the fact that the currency is too strong.


The ultimate authority resides with the board of directors.


Margaret resides with her invalid mother in a London suburb...


All single full-time students must reside in university residence halls.


Happiness does not reside in strength or money...


The military is based on the principle that the ultimate authority resides in the armed forces.


The body Is your temple. Keep It pure and clean for the soul to reside In.

你的身体就是你心灵的庙宇. 请保持身体的纯净,让你的心灵安于其中.

We reside poles apart, and I sincerely wish you to take good care of yourself.

海天遥隔, 诸希珍重.

Komei Sasaki. Who live in the center and who reside in the suburbs of a city?

佐々木公明. 谁住在市中心,谁住在郊区?

A version of the software consists of a number of directories in which files reside.


Chromosome breakpoints detected in T cell cancers frequently reside in chromatin regions associated with H 3 K 4 methylations.


The difference between poor & rich countries does not reside in the available natural resources.

国家的富有 和 贫穷的差别并不是因为是有着有利的自然资源.

Living Truth allows humans to reside in harmony, peace, joy and love together.

活生生的真相,允许人类彼此一起生活在和谐 、 和平 、 欢乐与爱当中.

For busy people who reside there is indeed a paradise.


You will reside there, serving as the building superintendent.

你要居住在那里, 作为大楼管理者服务大家.

The implanting site a prosthesis and whether reside or not were related to the complication rate.


The insertion point cannot reside just before a footnote marker.


Of the islands wenty three thousand inhabitants , some eight thousand reside in Lerwick, the capital.

岛上共有居民2.3万人, 其中8000人住在首府勒威克.

I will not apply for a permit to work, reside or study while in Fiji.

在斐济逗留期间本人将不申请在斐工作 、 居留和学习.

They have yearnings and fears that reside in an inner beast you could call The Shaggy.


The true face of Lushan is lost to my sight , for it is right in this mountain that I reside.

不识庐山真面目, 只缘身在此山中.

I reside in Thee, You reside in Me.

我驻在你里面, 你驻在我里面.

To be eligible for membership customers must be properly registered and reside residentialunit.


The empty space may reside in any sheet in any location in the Calc document.

空白区域可以存在于Calc文档 的任意工作簿的任意位置.

In Fukuoka City , where 1.3 million people reside, roads and sidewalks cracked or swelled.

在有130万人口的福冈市, 公路和人行道被震得断裂和突起.

Sometimes, a moment, I forgot to tell to reside where they have a strange feeling.

有时候, 某一瞬间, 我便忘了自己究竟身居何处,有了释怀的感觉.

The disjoint collections of code and data reside within explicit boundaries called services.


Internal modems , on the other hand, reside inside your system unit.

内置的调制解调器,从另一方面讲, 位于机箱的内部.

  1. They reside abroad.
  2. He resides at 8 New Road.
reside in
    (of a power, right, etc.) belong to 〈正〉(权力、权利等)存在于,属于
用作动词 (v.)
  • James Jefferyes, Esq., to reside for His Majesty's Service with the King of Sweden.

    出自:London Gazette

reside, abide, inhabit, live, stay
  • 这几个词都有“住”的意思。其区别在于:live作“居住,住”解时,是普通用语,指住在某一地方,多用于日常生活口语中,是不及物动词,后面常与介词连用;reside为正式用语,指在某地固定居住或合法地居住;inhabit指人或动物因适应所生活地域的自然环境而定居下来,通常用作及物动词;abide常用在法律和文学上,是较为陈旧、文气的用法;stay指暂时住在某处,常用于旅途中在某处住宿,是不及物动词。例如:
  • While the children are living under my roof, they will have to obey my orders.孩子们住在我这儿就得听我的话。
  • The child abided with his grandparents for three years before returning to his home.那个孩子和祖父母一起居住了三年才回到自己的家里。
  • This district is densely inhabited.这个地区的人口密度很高。
  • They reside in a cottage at the foot of the mountain.他们居住在山脚下的一所小屋里。
  • Where are you staying?你住在哪里?
  • dwell,reside,live,lodge,inhabit,settle
  • 这些动词均有“居住、定居”之意。
  • dwell文学上的用词,口语中通常用live代替。
  • reside书面用词,指合法的永久性居住,也指在豪华的住宅里居住。
  • live最普通用词,指固定的居住,可以是长期的,也可以是临时的。
  • lodge指短时间或临时住宿。
  • inhabit强调人或动物居住在某个地区并已适应某种特殊环境。
  • settle侧重指某人定居于城市、国家或地区,而不指居住的住所。
    • ☆ 15世纪晚期进入英语,直接源自中古法语的resider;最初源自拉丁语的residere,意为坐下。

    上一个:constitute a factor

    下一个:be based on




