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当前位置:首页 单词大全 ripen


英['raɪpən] 美['raɪpən]

  • v.(使)成熟
  • 【名词:】ripener
  • 【过去式:】ripened
  • 【过去分词:】ripened
  • 【现在分词:】ripening
  • 【第三人称单数:】ripens

  1. 使鲜美可口
  2. 【医】使化脓
  3. (使)成熟
  4. 催熟
  5. 长成
  6. 变得老练
  7. 阑珊
  8. 适于开刀
  9. 使成熟以便去脓
  1. cause to ripen or develop fully;

    "The sun ripens the fruit"
    "Age matures a good wine"

  2. grow ripe;

    "The plums ripen in July"

When cropsripen or when the sunripens them, they become ripe.

e.g. I'm waiting for the apples toripen...
e.g. You canripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.

1. ripen的意思

1. 成熟:花 语:救 济(Relief)查看全文花 语:成 熟(ripen)查看全文花 语:稀有(Rarity)查看全文花 语:长寿(Long Life)查看全文花 语:夫妻爱(Married love)查看全文花 语:历史(History)查看全文花 语:机智(Wit)查看全文花 语:早熟(Preco

2. 熟:子与淑女(Lords and Ladies) 哄笑(Loud laughter) 四月二十九日 汉荭鱼腥草(Herb-Robert) 脉动(Pulsation) 四月三十日 黄花九轮草(Cowslip) 成熟(ripen)4月1日杏仁(Almond)花语:真爱 花占卜: 您是一个理性及求知欲很强的人,

3. 使成熟:realize实现 |ripen使成熟 | strengthen使更强

I'm waiting for the apples to ripen...


You can ripen the tomatoes on a sunny windowsill.


It can cause other foods to ripen too quickly.


Don't worry. Time will soon ripen.

别着急, 时机即将成熟.

We are waiting for the first crops to ripen.


The pears will sweeten as they ripen.


The peaches, plums and nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen ripen successfully.

桃子 、 李子和油桃自身就能释放足够的气体来使其成熟.

The peaches, plays plums and nectrings nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

桃子, 李子,油桃自己本身就能释放足够的气体使得果实成熟.

The peaches, plums and nectarine nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

桃子, 洋李和油桃本身可以释放足够的气体来成功催熟.

The bananas ripen ripen too quickly and begin to? rot.


Gardens are in full bloom, the citrus crops ripen, and balmy weather invites outdoor recreation.

花园里百花盛开, 柑果黄熟, 温和的气候吸引着人们到户外进行娱乐活动.

But the wheat and the spelt were not ruined, for they ripen late.

出9:32只是小麦和粗麦没有被击打 、 因为还没有长成.

The plants need the right amount of sunlight and rain to grow and ripen.


As the saying goes, It's sad to grow old, but nice to ripen.

俗云:“衰老固然令人难过, 但成熟却是件好事. ”

Coffee cherries ripen at different times , so they are predominantly picked by hand.

咖啡果成熟期并不一致, 所以主要靠手工采摘.

It's sad to grow old, but nice to ripen.

衰老固然令人难过, 但成熟却是件好事.

We must try every means to ripen the late crops more rapidly.


The peaches, plums and nothings nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

桃子, 李子和油桃会自己释放足够的乙烯气使自己完全成熟.

And we ripen spiritually by opening our eyes to Creation's endless detail.


These dances had ripen by the end of the primitive society.


He did not seem to ripen with the years.


The peaches, plums and ne nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

桃子, 李子和油桃它们自身会释放出足够的乙烯气体来成功地成熟.

Therefore, let's shoulder the responsibility and make our life like a ripen tree.

所以, 我们年轻人应该负起社会的责任,让自己的人生沉甸起来.

The pitchespeaches, plums, and nectarines themselves release enough of the gas to ripen successfully.

桃子, 李子, 油桃本身就已经分泌了足够使他们顺利成熟的气体.

Time will soon ripen.


The wheat and spelt , however , were not destroyed, because they ripen later.

32只是小麦和粗麦没有被击打, 因为还没有长成.

I'm waiting for the apples to ripen.


This helps to ripen new growth and makes it flower profusely.


  • Age clarifies wine and ripens it.

    出自:J. Trapp
  • The blooming boy is ripen'd into man.


  • 这些动词均有“成熟、长成”之意。
  • mature指生物自然发育成熟或丰满或使其能起正常作用,还可指人获得智慧、经验或变得世故。
  • ripen侧重已到生长成熟的顶点。
  • age一般指使人过早成熟,强调已走向衰老。
  • develop侧重使某一种类或个体潜在本能进化完全,词义比mature广泛。
  • 上一个:renovate





