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role model

  • n.行为榜样;角色模特

  1. someone worthy of imitation;

    "every child needs a role model"

1. 角色模范:忙碌的结果是孩子们在成长的过程中失去了角色模范(rolemodel),夫妻关系、亲子关系常出现危机. 当我们面对当今一些层出不穷的家庭问题时,应再一次思考道成肉身的榜样∶是神亲自差他儿子来到世上,住在人中间,将父神的本性及大能显给世人看.

2. 模范:条件优越的高等学府居然成为歧视聋人的模范(rolemodel),这只能证明中国的一流学府在特殊教育、尤其是在聋人教育的识见上远远堕落在潮流之末. 为什么中国眼睁睁地把人才虚耗、漠视、摒诸校外国外,而同一时间又抱怨人才不足呢?

Five out of the ten top role models for British teenagers are black.


Democrats claim this does not matter: Americans want a competent chief executive, not a role model.

民主党人声称这不重要, 因为 美国人要的是一位有能力的首脑而不是行为楷模.

Serve as a role model for employee success and achieve a high level of customer service.


Choosing a single role model is not a goodidea, because everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.

选定某一个特定的人并不是什么好主意, 因为每个人都有自己的长处也有短处.

The role model for indignant managers is the film director Alfred Hitchcock.


A coach should act as a role model for his athletes.


Children tend to mimic their parents, so it pays to be a good role model.

孩子易于效仿他们的父母, 所以你得做好榜样.

Our only choice is whether to be a good role model or a bad one.


He was a great mentor , friend, scholar and role model.

他是位良师 、 益友 、 学者和他人的榜样.

Is she a role model for women in politics or just another lying weasel?


Find a role model and aim to achieve even more than they could ever do.


A father image is a role model 'u2013 someone you want to be like.


Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.


Arroyo has her father as a role model for her political and personal life.


I love being a role model, and I try to be a positive one.

我喜欢成为标兵, 并努力做个好榜样.

My father is my role model of an honest person.


Being a role model.


You may serve as some kind of a teacher or role model for others.


My role model in life is my father.


If you ask Chinese academics whether China a role model a surprising number pointthe US.


It'seems unlikely that parents would want Avril Lavigne as a role model for their children.


China and india, taking countries as their role model, will not escape from that either.

中国和印度, 今天也正是以他们为榜样.中国和印度的帐单, 也是逃不掉的.

My role model on the stage is Michael Jackson.


Khokhawants to be an astronaut or a doctor and serves as a female role model.


How are you seeing Kadour . Is a role model or a mentor for you?

在你心中的地位是怎样的? 模范榜样还是良师益友?

Lisa: Because he is my role model.

莉萨: 因为他是我的偶像.

上一个:male lead

下一个:Hero of Alexandria




