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spring onion...
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spring onion

  1. a young onion before the bulb has enlarged; eaten in salads

Cut the carrot into strips, chop the spring onion.


The country is very green in spring.


When the onion leaves started to grow, we had the spring onion.

当大葱长出葱叶时太好了, 就剪了嫩嫩的叶来吃.

Cut ginger into slices spring onion into sections and beat egg.


Heat wok with oil, add, ginger, spring onion, bell pepper, and cabbage.

加热油锅, 入姜葱, 红椒和白菜帮翻炒.

Slice garlic, spring onion, leek and ginger.

将蒜头 、 青? 、 青蒜、姜肉切粗丝.

Please the Beijing duck the pancake with the spring onion and the sweet bean sauce.


Chop pork, water chestnuts and spring onion. Mix with salt, corn starch and sesame oil.

将猪肉 、 马碲、葱剁碎后, 加入监盐 、 粟粉、麻油拌匀成馅料备用.

Fry shallot, ginger, garlic and spring onion. Remove and stuff into Turkey cavity . Truss with string.

将乾葱 、 生姜片 、 蒜头及葱爆香, 放入火鸡肚内,以幼绳扎实火鸡.

Shred the spring onion and carrots, place them on a dish and set aside.


Wash and cut the cabbage into small bite - sizes , cut spring onion into short stalks.


Optional: add a little shredded ginger, stir - fried sesame seeds and diced spring onion on top.

吃时可随个人喜爱加入少许姜片 、 炒芝麻及葱花.






