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substance ab...
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substance abuse

  • 物质滥用;滥用药物

  1. excessive use of drugs

Vladimir Poznyak is the WHO Management of substance abuse Coordinator.


Avoid substance abuse.


substance abuse and Behavioral Disorder counselor.


Or is substance abuse responsible for damaged brain functions?

或是物质滥用对损毁大脑功能负有责任 呢 ?

substance abuse and severe neuroses or psychoses also are contraindications to breast - feeding.


How can a single drug work against different types of substance abuse?

一种药物怎么会对不同的瘾产生效果 呢 ?

Alcohol and other substance abuse or dependence may also co 'u2013 occur with depression.


And in later years, he had some wilder times, including battles with substance abuse.

过后几年里, 他有一段艰难时光, 包括摆脱滥用药物的影响.

She could be suffering from schizophrenia, or mania, or substance abuse - among other diagnoses.

在所有的诊断中,她可能患有精神分裂症, 或是狂躁症, 或是药物滥用.

They are more likely have substances substance abuse, away from home and become teenage parents themselves.

他们更有可能存在药物滥用的情况, 离家出走,十几岁就成为父母亲.

Sharon Levy , director of the adolescent substance abuse program at Children's Hospital Boston.


This includes honesty, psychological, and personality tests, genetic screening, substance abuse tests and polygraph examinations.

这些测试包括诚实度 、 心理 、 人格测试, 基因测定 、 毒品以及多波动检查.

Patients with a history of substance abuse need to be asked about needle use and contaminants.


Employees suffering from affects of substance abuse don't leave their problems at home.


Poverty is a major contributor to mental illness, stress, suicide, family disintegration and substance abuse.

贫困是导致精神病, 应力, 自杀, 家庭解体和药物滥用的主要推动者.

上一个:stumbling block

下一个:a slew of




