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table tennis

英['teibl'tenis] 美['teibl'tenis]

  • 乒乓球
  1. a game (trademark Ping-Pong) resembling tennis but played on a table with paddles and a light hollow ball

table tennis is a game played inside by two or four people. The players stand at each end of a table which has a low net across the middle and hit a small light ball over the net, using small bats.

table tennis

1. 乒乓球:游戏的使用的引擎与<>(TableTennis)相同:游戏使用了开发<>的RAGE引擎,并加以优化以获得更好的效果. Rockstar称,一旦载入不会再有任何读取时间. 甚至进入室内或者室外也不需要等待.

2. table tennis的意思

2. 二十二、乒乓球:(1)女子Women | 二十二、乒乓球TableTennis | (1)男子单打Men's Singles

3. 乒乓球 北京大学体育馆:14 Swimming 游泳 国家游泳中心 | 15TableTennis 乒乓球 北京大学体育馆 | 16 Volleyball Sitting 坐式排球 中国农业大学体育馆

He drubbed his opponent in the table tennis match.


Yes, table tennis is an Olympic sport.


Do you like to play chess '/ table tennis?


Yes. I also want 10 table tennis balls and four rackets.


Your table tennis is excellent. I bow to your superior skill.

你乒乓球打得真好, 我甘拜下风.

They love playing table tennis.


Officials of a table tennis tournament include umpire, service line umpire and scorer.

乒乓球比赛的正式工作人员包括:裁判员 、 发球裁判、司线员和记分员.

table tennis is our national game.


How long does a table tennis match usually last?


We usually go to play table tennis out of hours.


There are more people watching the table tennis game than the volleyball one.


I have some hobbies such as reading table tennis, history, since and so on.

我有一些兴趣爱好诸如读书、乒乓球 、 历史等等.

The early 20 th century the United States has to set the table tennis competition appliances production.


Many Chinese would say that is an insult to Brazilian table tennis players.


Annie: It is said that table tennis originated in Britain, is it true?

安妮: 听说乒乓球起源于英国, 是 吗 ?

Butterfly card: table tennis board series.

蝴蝶牌: 乒乓板系列.

No, madame. There's a recreation centre on the ground floor. You can play table tennis there.

当然不是的. 在底层有一个娱乐中心. 在那儿,您可以打乒乓球.

My brother is a table tennis ace.


What is a table tennis ball made from?


Annie: What is the impact that table tennis has on the people?

安妮: 乒乓球运动对人的影响有哪些?

Can you play table tennis?

你会打乒乓球 吗 ?

He won the first set in table tennis.


table tennis tutorial video about forehand consecutive middle court by WANG Hao.


Hai Ate celluloid was also used to create boxes, buttons, a ruler, table tennis and frames.

后来海阿特又用赛璐珞制造箱子 、 钮扣 、 直尺 、 乒乓球和眼镜架.

I like playing football best, but occasionally I play table tennis, too.

我最喜欢踢足球, 偶尔也打打乒乓球.

New recruits to our table tennis club are always welcome.


Playing ( at ) chess is no fun; let's go to play table tennis.

下棋没劲, 还是去打乒乓球 吧.

She watched the children play table tennis.


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