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英[tɜːs] 美[tɜːrs]

  • adj.简洁的;简明的
  • 【副词:】tersely
  • 【比较级:】terser
  • 【最高级:】tersest
  • 【名词:】terseness

  1. brief and to the point; effectively cut short;

    "a crisp retort"
    "a response so curt as to be almost rude"
    "the laconic reply; `yes'"
    "short and terse and easy to understand"

Aterse statement or comment is brief and unfriendly.

e.g. He issued aterse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday...
e.g. His tone wasterse as he asked the question.

'It's too late,' he said tersely.

1. 简洁:CSS 的杠杆知识,以 CSS 选择器定位页面元素机制为基础,jQuery 继承了表现文档结构的简洁(terse)而易读(legible)的方法. 由于做专业的 web 开发的必备知识是 CSS 语法,jQuery 为想在页面加上行为的设计师提供了一个入口.


2. 简洁的:threading 技术 |terse 简洁的 | tweak 修整,细调

3. 言谈文笔简练的:Cerebral 大脑的,理智的 |terse 言谈文笔简练的 | Vindictive 复仇的,深仇的

4. 精炼的,简洁的,扼要的:temperate有节制的,戒酒的 |terse精炼的,简洁的,扼要的 | toxic毒的,中毒的,有毒的

5. terse

5.terse:ters; 简洁输出信息

a terse style


The President issued a terse statement denying the charges.


He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday...


His tone was terse as he asked the question.


The code is much more terse and readable than the C # 3.0 counterpart.

比起C # 3.0编写的等价代码,这段代码更加简洁可读.

Developers decorated it integratly, generous and terse!

开发商统一装修,简洁, 大方!

English news headlines tend to be terse and vivid in an attempt to attract readers.


Her reply about the matter was terse.


He wrote a terse reply to Rhoda, sealed it up, and tossed it in his outbasket.

他写了一封简明扼要的复信给罗达, 封起来, 扔在发文的信筐里.

A terse, witty, instructive saying a maxim.

格言,箴言,警句:简洁 、 机智 、 有教导性的话;警句.

It would say, for example, 0'u20139. Short, terse, but very effective.

比如说它显示0~9, 简短 、 简洁, 而且非常有效.

The code is much more terse and readable than the C # .0 counterpart.

比起C #.0编写的等价代码,这段代码更加简洁可读.

Construction shape is not only terse and decent but also refined and elegant.


The dialogue is stilted, terse and bare , like the syncopated sparks of sharpening knives.

对白夸张精炼 、 直截了当, 犹如一把擦出火花的锋利尖刀.

He had a reputation for long silences and terse comments.


They communicate in terse sentences that might have been lifted from a philosophy primer.


This machine has terse structure, convenient operation, steady working system and wide adjustable range.

本机结构简洁, 操作简便, 运行平稳,调整范围大.

Nobody is perfect, so don't terse people, and don't be afraid admit you have a problem.

没有哪个人是完美的, 所以不可以取笑别人, 也别怕承认自己的缺陷.

Under the date and weather conditions, the diary entries terse and to the point.

在注明日期和天气状况后, 韩峰的每篇日记简洁扼要、直入主题.

He whittled and listened, gave monosyllabic replies , and when it was asked , terse advice.

他边削边听, 冷淡地搭着话.

A terse message was sent to Hanoi simply informing it of our actions.


A terse note simply read : ' We take note of Tardelli's resignation. '

简明的阐述一下: “ 我们已经收到塔尔德利的辞职信. ”

The forth chapter talks about rhetoric, it will prove that Oates ? works are terse and plain.

第五章对这五篇小说中所运用的修辞进行了分析, 以证明其简明朴实的风格.

The President issued a terse statement denying the charges.


An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.


His tone was terse as he asked the question.


He issued a terse statement, saying he is discussing his future with colleagues before announcing his decision on Monday.


  • Turned the whole Bible into pure, terse, elegant Latin.

    出自:J. Edwards






