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tie up

英['taɪˌʌp] 美['taɪˌʌp]

  • 捆紧
  1. secure with or as if with ropes;

    "tie down the prisoners"
    "tie up the old newspapers and bring them to the recycling shed"

  2. invest so as to make unavailable for other purposes;

    "All my money is tied up in long-term investments"

  3. restrain from moving or operating normally;

    "Traffic is tied up for miles around the bridge where the accident occurred"

  4. secure in or as if in a berth or dock;

    "tie up the boat"

  5. finish the last row

When youtie somethingup, you fasten string or rope round it so that it is firm or secure.

e.g. He tiedup the bag and took it outside.

If someoneties another personup, they fasten ropes or chains around them so that they cannot move or escape.

e.g. Masked robbers broke in,tied himup, and made off with $8,000...
e.g. At about 5 a.m. they struck again in Fetcham, tyingup a couple and ransacking their house.

If youtie an animalup, you fasten it to a fixed object with a piece of rope so that it cannot run away.

tie up的近义词

e.g. Would you go andtie your horseup please...
e.g. They dismounted, tiedup their horses and gave them the grain they had brought.

If youtie up an issue or problem, you deal with it in a way that gives definite conclusions or answers.

e.g. Kingfisher confirmed that it hopes totieup a deal within the next two weeks...
e.g. We could have tied the whole caseup without getting you and Smith shot at.

5. see also: tied up;tie-up


1. 束紧,缚牢;包扎:tick off 列出;用记号勾出 |tieup 束紧,缚牢;包扎 | to a day 一天也不差

2. 系;拴;捆:16.live through sth. 经历某事物而幸存 | 17.tieup 系;拴;捆 | 18.at stake 在危险中

3. tie up的翻译

3. 占用:30. keepup 继续 | 31.tieup 占用 | 32. in and out 进进出出,来来去去

4. 阻碍:42. stop by 顺便看望 | 43.tieup 阻碍 | 44. be out for 一心谋求,力图获得

  1. This project tied up a great deal of manpower.
  2. It's been taken up too much time.
  3. The steel strike may hold up the production of cars for several months.
  4. Plateaus are one of the main reasons I suspect bloggers decide to give up.

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