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trolley bus详...
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trolley bus

名词 trolleybus:
  1. a passenger bus with an electric motor that draws power from overhead wires

' Ho, ho , what was it the trolley - bus driver called me today?

哈哈哈哈!今天的那 无轨电车 的机器手!他骂我什么来?

We got out of the trolley bus at Yan'an Road .

我们在 延安路 下了电车.

The trolley bus connects here with a bus for the airfield.


She caught a trolley - bus, and then went on the Metropolitan underground to the Temple stop.

她上了一辆无轨电车, 后来又转乘都市线地下车到潭普尔车站下车.

Does this trolley - bus pass Beijing Hotel?

这 无轨电车 经过北京饭店 吗 ?

Teddy caught the No.111 trolley bus to the tourist bureau.


The trolley bus picks up current from an overhead wire.


Trolley - bus No. 102 is rolling up to the stop.


Does this trolley - bus run past the park?

这 无轨电车 经过公园 吗 ?

Bob: Oh, my! The passengers in the trolley - bus are packed like sardines.

鲍勃: 啊, 我的天哪! 无轨电车 上真挤呀(乘客挤得像沙丁鱼一样)!

The passengers in the trolley - bus are packed like sardines!

无轨电车 上真挤呀[乘客挤得像沙丁鱼一样]!

The environmental benefits of the trolley bus are considerable.


Look Tom! The trolley - bus is rolling up to the stop.

看哪,汤姆! 第10路无轨电车要到站啦.

Will this trolley - bus take me straight there?

这趟电车能带我去那里 吗 ?

Where is the stop for the northbound 108 trolley - bus ?

向北去的108 无轨电车 站在哪里?

上一个:trolley pan

下一个:trolley lace




