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turn down

英[tɜːndaʊn] 美[tɜːrndaʊn]

  1. refuse to accept;

    "He refused my offer of hospitality"

  2. refuse entrance or membership;

    "They turned away hundreds of fans"
    "Black people were often rejected by country clubs"

  3. reject with contempt;

    "She spurned his advances"

  4. take a downward direction;

    "The economy finally turned down after a long boom"

  5. make lower or quieter;

    "turn down the volume of a radio"

If youturn down a person or their request or offer, you refuse their request or offer.

turn down什么意思

e.g. Before this I'd have smiled and turned herdown...
e.g. I thanked him for the offer butturned itdown

When youturn down a radio, heater, or other piece of equipment, you reduce the amount of sound or heat being produced, by adjusting the controls.

turn down的意思

e.g. He kept turning the central heatingdown...
e.g. She could not bear the relentless music and turneddown the volume.

If the rate or level of somethingturns down, it decreases.

e.g. The divorce rate turneddown in the 1950s.
20 世纪 50 年代离婚率下降了。

in AM, use 美国英语用 fall


1. 拒绝:(而之前大人的试验就算给钱也不去),那么在原文中定位还在倒数第二段倒数第二句话,转折词开头:但是谁又能拒绝(turndown)一个天真的四年级小孩呢?愿意是什么:后面划出因果关系词because:因为我是个小孩. 则答案即强调小孩,

2. 调低:20 B 常识运用逻辑推理词义比较前后照应 Amy在点头欢迎作者并向作者谈话之后,极有礼貌地调低(turndown)音乐的音量,以便聚精会神地打量作者的父亲. 根据空白后并列的谓语looked over at Dad可作出正确判断.turneddown调低,关小;

3. 调小(音量):造成污染的原因:农药、杀虫剂使用的残余(residue)及颗粒(particle)对人类的危害规律:室内:调小音量(turndown) 宿舍隔音(sound proof) 意识到噪音没有(didn't realize)

4. 关小,调低;拒绝:turn away 走开;把脸转过去 |turndown 关小,调低;拒绝 |turn in 转身进入;拐入;交出

Turn the heat down or your cake will burn.


Please turn the radio down a bit.


She petitioned her neighbor to turn down the radio.


I turn down the offer.


The board turn down all approach on the subject of merger.


She turned down every offer of help.


Would you turn down 7,000,000 to appear nude in a magazine?


He didn't have the heart to [ couldn't bear to ] turn down their request.

他不 忍心 拒绝他们的要求.

He'd turn down even men better placed than you.


I relish the challenge of doing jobs that others turn down.


Linda, turn down the record player. I'm trying to read.

琳达, 把电唱机关小声点, 我想看书.

To check this, we turn down the threshold level.

为了检验这一点, 我们把阀值调低.

If both New York and Ohio turn down the Amendment tonight, it will be dead.

如果纽约州和俄亥俄州今晚推翻了这条修正案, 那就全完了.

I saw him absent - mindedly turn down the belt of his trousers and search for some guests.

我看见他 心不在焉 地松下了裤带,搜寻着什么寄生物.

Could you turn down the car radio?

你可以把车里的收音机音量关小点 吗 ?

I think you are under an obligation not to turn down his offer.


Would you be so kind as to turn down the radio? I am writing a letter.

劳驾你把收音机调小声一点好 吗 ?我在写信.

turn down the radio. That music is driving me nuts.

把收音机关小点声. 那音乐快叫我发疯了.

Would you turn down volume of your radio please?

请你把收音机音量调低一点好 吗 ?

You'll ruin the rug. And turn down that radio.

你会把地毯弄坏的. 还有,把收音机关小声点.

Nevertheless, most customers turn down offers for a'show and tell. '

不过, 多数客户谢绝这种 “ 展示和介绍 ” 的好意.

上一个:turn on





