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当前位置:首页 单词大全 twisty


英['twɪsti] 美['twɪsti]

  • adj.弯弯曲曲的;不正直的;拐弯抹角的

  1. 弯弯曲曲的
  2. 扭曲的
  3. 曲折的
  4. 转弯抹角的
  5. 狡猾的
  6. 不正直的
  7. 弯曲的
  8. 不直接说明的
  1. marked by repeated turns and bends;

    "a tortuous road up the mountain"
    "winding roads are full of surprises"
    "had to steer the car down a twisty track"

The drive required going down a quite twisty road.


Bill also draws some lines on the screen, some twisty curve lines have stopped moving.

条例草案还借鉴了一些线,对画面中, 有些是曲折的曲线线路已停止移动.

The coated twisty blade patterns possesses higher bending strength and hardness than the uncoated ones.


At this moment, some moving letters and some twisty curve lines appear on the screen.

在此时刻, 一些移动的信件和一些曲折的曲线线路出现在屏幕.

But like other protagonists of vampire stories, Mick's love is determined to be twisty.

但是和其他吸血鬼故事中的主人公一样, 米克的爱情之路充满了荆棘.

Have you ever had a twisty Treat? Yes, it made me sick.

你曾经被欺骗过 吗 ?是的, 它使我感到很难受.

No surprises here, just a steep, bumpy, twisty path full of trees to get through.

没有太多新奇的东西, 除了一条你必须通过的陡峭, 崎岖而曲折的被树木覆盖的赛道.

Especially on twisty country roads, the lowered centre of gravity pays off.

特别是在曲折的乡间小路,重力中心, 降低回报.

If god couldn't protect you from this twisty world.


twisty Iike the bobcat , saIty type of pretzeI.

就像一香艳的 、 卷得像麻花的野猫.

The pipes are narrow and twisty, and there are leaks in every joint.

这些水管狭窄弯曲, 每个结点上都有漏洞.

And I'm not taIking the straight kind. I'm taIking, Iike , the twisty kind.

我只得不是那种直直的, 我指的是那种扭曲得厉害的.

Our test route took us through a choppy construction zone and over some twisty back roads.


How could I protect you from their twisty hearts?

那麽我怎能从他们扭曲的心灵中保护你 呢 ?

The drive required going down a quite twisty road.


  • Driving along some twisty coastal road.

    出自:D. Lodge
  • You're a twisty bastard...You'd lie as soon as spit.

    出自:D. Francis






