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英['ʌndəraɪtə(r)] 美['ʌndəraɪtər]

  • n.保险商;承诺支付者;承购人

  1. a banker who deals chiefly in underwriting new securities

  2. an agent who sells insurance

  3. a financial institution that sells insurance

Anunderwriter is someone whose job involves agreeing to provide money for a particular activity or to pay for any losses that are made.

e.g. If the market will not buy the shares, theunderwriter buys them...
e.g. Global 2000 became anunderwriter for small farmers.

Anunderwriter is someone whose job is to judge the risks involved in certain activities and decide how much to charge for insurance.


1. 承销商:.doc 美国上市新趋势 罗千里 ( 美国加州律师 ) 最近 由于美国股市不佳 , , 美国公司直接初始上市的机会大为减少 (IPO) , 因 为承销商 (underwriter) 大多不愿承销 , 上市价也不高 .

You can claim for the damaged goods with the underwriter.


The underwriter or the shipper is about to tackle the problem of your claim.


According to the underwriter, the delay was caused by uncertainty about interests.


For placing, the underwriter will seek for those that interact well with the company.


If the market will not buy the shares, the underwriter buys them...


Global 2000 became an underwriter for small farmers.


Merrill has been Wall Street leading underwriter of CDOs since 2004.


AARP chose New York Life as the exclusive underwriter of its new life insurance program.

全美退休者协会(AARP) 选择纽约人寿作为新寿险计画的独家保险商.

You can claim for the damaged goods with the underwriter.


Exploratory discussions with a possible underwriter for this financing are already underway.


During this period, the underwriter registers the security in states where it will be sold.

在此期间, 证券公司在他即将出售股票的州进行注册.

An investment banking firm acting as underwriter sells securities from the issuing corporation to the public.


The right of subrogation is an important statutory right of underwriter in maritime insurance.


Answer relatively and the right of the underwriter with safe belongings and insurant and obligation coexist.


Will you give us a premium rebate just as other underwriter do?

您会像其他保险商那样付给我们保险费用回扣 吗 ?

Usually we receive a handsome premium rebate from our underwriter at regular interval.


The underwriter or the shipper is about to tackle the problem of your claim.


He worked alongside bankers from Merrill Lynch , the lead underwriter, who invited him to join them.

他与主承销商美林的银行家共同工作, 并接到了美林的工作邀请.

What makes insurant, underwriter, a third party?

什么叫被保险人 、 保险人 、 第三者?

If the Underwriting Agreement is terminated by the underwriter, the Rights Issue also will not proceed.

如果包销商终止包销协议, 本公司也将停止供股.

When insurant suffers accident harm to cause death, the underwriter gives pay insurance against death gold.

被保险人遭受意外伤害造成死亡时, 保险人给付死亡保险金.

The organization of investment fund includes four parties investor, fund management company custodian and underwriter.

投资基金的组织结构是由四个当事人基金投资人 、 基金管理人、基金托管人和基金承销人组成.

However, claim which falls within the responsibility of shipping company and underwriter shall not be entertained.

但是, 我方不受理属于承运人及保险人责任的任何索赔.

The amount of stock an initial public offering ( IPO ) granted by the underwriter an investor.


General requirement of underwriter Laboratories Inc.


The right subrogation is an important statutory right of underwriter in maritime insurance.


Haitong Securities Co. will be the underwriter of the deal, It'said.

该公司表示, 海通证券将担任本次发行的主承销商.

The corporation records the issuance of the bonds at the net amount received from the underwriter.


underwriter An intermediary between an issuer of debt securities and the investors.


Via bilateral agreement, this annuities also can be when insurant is emeritus, by the underwriter paid.

经双方约定, 这项养老金也可在被保险人退休时, 由保险人一次付清.

Cover Note ( Insurance Certificate ) follows as soon as we receive it from the underwriter.


If the market will not buy the shares, the underwriter buys them.


Global 2000 became an underwriter for small farmers.







