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vice versa

英[ˌvaɪs'vɜːsə] 美[ˌvaɪs'vɜːrsə]

  • adv.反过来也是一样地

  1. with the order reversed;

    "she hates him and vice versa"

vice versa is used to indicate that the reverse of what you have said is true. For example 'women may bring their husbands with them, and vice versa' means that men may also bring their wives with them.

e.g. Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland andviceversa.

1. 反之亦然:CML的输出是main build的输入,你可以改变CML而不影响main build,反之亦然(viceversa). kdb可以通过一个串行控制台或者一个PC控制台运行. 推荐的调试环境是在一个串行控制台上使用两台机器,一个用来调试问题,另一个用来察看源代码.


2. 小爸爸大儿子:========================================================= 小爸爸大儿子 (ViceVersa) 失婚老爸意外得到到一个魔力骷髅头,一天父子两人同时祈祷能变成对方的年龄,结果父子的身份马上对调,爸爸和儿子互相占有对方的躯体.

3. vice versa的反义词

3. 反之:vice screw 虎钳螺旋 |viceversa 反之 |viceversa 反之亦然

Man dictates to weapons, not vice versa.


You know me better than others, vice versa.


Active thoughts lead to active life and vice versa.


You can cruise from Cairo to Aswan or vice versa (= also from Aswan to Cairo) .


Teachers qualified to teach in England are not accepted in Scotland and vice versa.


EVA has incremental information content beyond residual income, and vice versa.


The stronger an acid, the weaker the conjugate base, and vice versa.

因此可以得到结论:酸性越强, 共扼碱越弱.相反亦然.

THe greater contains the lesser , and not vice versa.

大的包括小的, 不是小的包括大的.

With this army of ours, the Party commands the gun, and not vice versa.

我们这个军队是党指挥枪, 不是枪指挥党.

We gossip about them and vice versa.


You are in control of your appetites and your emotions, not vice versa.

你能够控制你的食欲和你的情绪, 反之亦然.

vice versa, not every crisis has to announce itself by manifest risk factors.

反之亦然, 并非每个危机宣布了明显的风险因素本身.

When water is added under proper conditions to basic anhydrides, bases result and vice versa.

当水被添加到基本酐下, 基地的结果,适当的条件,反之亦然.

But how could nucleic acids originate without proteins, and vice versa?

但是离开proteins,nucleicacids如何合成, 反之亦然?

Reverse intel: Light units are given heavy unit markings when not scouted and vice versa.

颠倒情报: 在被侦察前,轻单位将被副予重单位的标记,反之亦然.

Acids neutralize alkalis and vice versa.


We gossip about them and vice versa ( = they gossip about us ).


And more people will participate in exploiting these resources if are extra profits, and vice versa.

只要有超额利润, 就会有更多的人参与耗用该资源;反之,则会有人退出.

The army cadres must help the local cadres, and vice versa.

军队干部必须帮助地方干部, 地方干部也必须帮助军队干部.

These are materials which can translate electrical fields into mechanical stress , or vice versa.


Words importing the singular only also include the plural and vice versa where the context requires.


TL 16 C 554 can transform the serial data to parallel data, vice versa.

TL16C554能够实现把串行数据转换为并行数据, 将并行数据转换为串行数据.

Europe seems away to U.S. and vice versa.


This suggested that matter can be converted into energy, and vice versa.

这就是说物质可以转化为能量, 能量也可以转化为物质.

Fewer than 200,000 people fly directly from San Antonio to Mexico, or vice versa, each year.


A man of high birth may be of low worth and vice versa.


Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.

礼尚往来. 往而不来,非礼也;来而不往, 亦非礼也.

If there is no hydrocarbon generation potential, stop the exploration over the area, and vice versa.

如果没有生烃条件, 应停止这个地区的油气勘探, 反之,对这个地区的油气勘探就应该坚持下去.

Name Server, a service that symbolic host names into numeric IP addresses, and vice versa.

域名服务, 将符号形式的主机名与IP地址相互转换的服务.

Always keep the zoomed area in sync with where the mouse, and vice versa.

保持被缩放的区域与鼠标指针同步, 反之亦然.

She hates him and vice versa.


Understanding how to be a good investor makes you a better business manager and vice versa.


  • The Live terminal had been attached where the Neutral should have been and vice versa.

    出自:S. Brett






