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The Chinese claim that PU-er also can lower blood alcohol after drinking, prevent dysentery, and stimulate secretions from the spleen and other organs.


Characteristics of PU-king's neutralist way is: compromised concordance practical, exploit enterprising.


He made it into the Forbidden City then PU Yi was evicted.


Misunderstanding me , PU hurried to explain, ' You don't believe me?

普之仁误会我的意思, 赶紧说: “ 你不信 么 ?

'surely he wouldn't go against Commissioner PU? '

“ 难道他不给卜局长面子? ”

Commissioner PU is willing to help - '

—卜局长肯帮忙 —— ”

But the pock - marked fellow kept mumbling and grumbling till Commissioner PU was very embarrassed.


PU Zhiren whom I met beside Lake Cuihu was a skilled horticulturist of this kind.


PU constructing joint sealant material with superior elongation and tensile strength.

PU填 缝材具有极大的伸长率和抗撕裂强度,是建筑物最理想的伸缩缝材料.

PU belt provides durable, less part consuming, easy and less maintenance expense.

PU带耐用 、 零件损耗较低, 易于保养,维护费用较低.

The material of products include: genuine leather, PU, PVC, etc.

产品的材质包括: 各种真皮, PU, PVC, 等.

And introduces a soft PU fire, and other products.


Suitable for all kinds of polyurethane ( PU ) foam molding products.

适合各种聚氨脂 ( PU ) 发泡成型产品.

The factory under: abrasive, grinding fluid, brightener, PU lining.

本厂下设: 磨料 、 磨液 、 光亮剂 、 PU内衬.

Rubber belt, rubber, PVC, PU and other materials.

皮带有橡胶 、 橡塑 、 PVC 、 PU等 多种材质.

To Hong from your good friends at PU.


Comparative in price respect and PU.


UV , PU paint spraying production line robot.







