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For many people, alas, hunger is part of everyday life.


Such scandals have not, alas, been absent...


alas, it's not that simple.


alas , I fear the artillery must lag behind, but not I trust for long.

唉! 我担心炮兵一定要落后, 但是我相信他们不会落后得太久.

alas, though, exonerate Holmes as we cannot make a great writer out of him.

然而, 可惜得很, 我们既然无法使霍姆斯成为一个伟大作家就饶了他吧.

alas, nothing in the world is free.


alas, Meta never even saw our apartment.


Apart the Revolution, which , taken as a whole, is an immense human, alas ! a rejoinder.

那次的革命, 总的说来, 是获得了人类的广泛赞扬的, 只可惜九三年成了一种口实.

alas this does not serve.


alas this being just like the original Mahatma is only a pawn of the false intervention.


alas, sir, in the most unexpected manner.

唉, 先生! 完全是始料不到的事.

alas , resistance was far from my thoughts.


alas, further liberalisation is not certain.

可惜, 我们却不能确定自由化能否更进一步.

alas , no one understands me!


alas, they are still the Clippers.

哎, 他们始终还是快船呀.

alas, this did not end the war.

唉, 这并未终结战争.

I must launch out my boat. The languid hours pass by on shore 'u2013 alas for me!

我必须撑出我的船去. 时光都在岸边捱延消磨了--不堪的我呵!

alas, it's magnificent to maintain a genuine friendship.

啊, 维护一个纯友情是多么壮观呀.

alas! The heavy day!

唉! 这阴沉的日子.

alas! He missed the train!

哎呀! 他误了火车了!

alas , the screen was so close to my face that my eyes were crossing.

哎, 电视屏幕简直贴着我的脸,眼睛都花了.

alas! He died of cancer.

唉! 他被癌症夺去了生命.

BENVOLIO: alas, that love , so gentle in his view , should be so tyrannous roughproof!

班: 唉! 想不到爱神的外表这样温柔, 实际上却是如此残暴.

alas poor Sultan is afraid he cannot move.


alas, you so does the height with big drop also want 10 yuan one week?

哎呀, 你这么点大的个儿也要10元一星期?

alas, they have achieved the very opposite effect of that intended.

可叹的是, 效果正好都跟预定的适得其反.

alas, my love, I must leave now.

哎呀,天哪, 我得走了.

alas, person, is like this, torment the oneself in dissatisfied foot , humiliate the oneself!

唉, 人, 就是这样, 在不满足中折磨着自己, 作践着自己!

alas and alack , we had missed our bus.


  • alas the heavy day! Why do you weep.

  • I had a vision of eternity in my sleepsa vision, alas, far different from Vaughan's 'I saw eternity the other night'.

    出自:Day Lewis
  • alas for that man by whom he is betrayed.

    出自:New English Bible: Luke






