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The veneer of artificiality which she had acquired at the fashionable schools were thrown off.


Otherwise, you will drift into artificiality or attempt to solidify the ever - flowing.

若非如此, 你就会陷入人为的不自然状态,或试图阻止那永恒的流动.

There is admittedly artificiality and oversimplification in this approach.


Thus both photography and fashion are synonymous with artificiality and pure superficiality.


Indeed, there is an element of artificiality about such economic comparisons.

事实上, 这种经济上的比较存在某种人为因素.

You cannot sell artificiality to the Europeans and the Americans. They will see through it immediately.

欧洲人和美洲人不会接受假唱, 他们一眼就能看出来.

In The Truman Show, when Truman realised the artificiality of his suburban existence, he escaped.

“楚门的世界”里, 当楚门意识到他一成不变的郊区生活是人为的, 他逃走了.

Its mechanical accumulation liberates unlimited artificiality, in the face of which living desire is helpless.







