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In the mass production era multinational firms tended to centralize their operations.


It must decide whether to delegate authority to subsidiaries or centralize.


One thing NIS does is to centralize E - mail sorting.

NIS所做的事情之一便是 电子邮件 分类集中化.

These risks centralize mainly in drilling and completion operation ( inclusion workover ).

这些风险又主要集中在钻、完井 ( 包括修井 ) 两个主要环节上.

The result shows that numerical - control machining can achieve working procedure centralize, increase machining precision and efficiency.

结果表明,数控加工可实现零件加工的工序集中, 有效提高零件的加工精度和加工效率.

So we centralize our study on interaction of executive incentive, stockholding and firm performance.

因此我们集中研究了上市公司高管薪酬 、 高管持股与企业业绩之间的交互作用.

To centralize the external communication and international cooperation affairs in the sector of securities and futures.


The dynamic brand concentrating strategy, also called brand contracting and centralize strategy, is precious.

企业实施品牌的动态窄化战略, 即品牌收缩与集中战略, 更加难能可贵.

Ordinary triangular whorl root stress centralize and influence the fatigue life of the bolt seriously.


Orientation of LPM is centralize in manufacturing, Orientation of industry is developing of three category products.

企业定位为集中精力发展制造业, 产业定位为发展三大产品.

  • Business always tends to centralize itself.

    出自:A. Helps
  • One of those centralized courtyards..enclosed on three sides by the house and on the fourth by a balustrade.

    出自:H. E. Bates









