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There is no story without coincidences.


Yet, in real life, circumstances do sometimes conspire to bring about coincidences which anyone but a nineteenth century novelist would find incredible.

然而在实际生活中, 有些事情有时候的确好象神差鬼使一样地促成了一些除了十九世纪小说家外谁也不会相信的巧合.

There is no way these two experiences were just coincidences.


Could all these facts be just coincidences? Of course not?

这些事实都会否是巧合? 絶对不是?

Life is full of coincidences like two parallels will cross someday.


But are all the similarities just coincidences?

所有的这些相似只是巧合 吗 ?

However, there always are some coincidences in people's lives, two parallel lines might join some day.

但是, 人生总有许多巧合, 两条平行线也可能会有交汇的一天.

The outcome of the incident is what is called ' There is no story without coincidences. '

这件事的结局真所谓 “ 无巧不成书 ”

Others tell of coincidences, such as independently buying identical clothes on shopping trips.

还有的案例则属极其巧合, 如去商店分头买东西,买到一模一样的衣服.

I see so many things happening in my life and I know that they aren't coincidences.







